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Over 1 of 10 adults are illiterate. 2/3 of them are women.
In celebration of International Literacy Day 2013, a new UNESCO infographic illustrates the problem:

Infographic Unesco International Literacy Day

What can be done to improve these numbers? Please join our new Vocabulary Junction communities, and work with us on closing the vocabulary divide.

We look forward to exchanging ideas and expertise!

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, English, literacy, self-development.

2 Responses to International Literacy Day – Infographic

  1. Bruce Deitrick Price says:

    Turn the headline around. You’re saying almost 90% of adults are literate. That’s actually very good but I don’t think it’s close. The US has tens of millions of functional illiterates…

    • admin says:

      Bruce, the number I quoted comes from UNESCO. I’ve seen numbers as high as close to 50% of US adults being functional illiterates… comes down to how you define/measure illiteracy.
      Is it people who don’t know the alphabet?
      Those who struggle reading?
      Those who don’t have enough education to understand correctly and communicate effectively?
      I don’t think there’s a universally accepted definition so the numbers contain a lot of guess work.
      What is obvious is that the problem is significant and at the root of many other problems we struggle with today.

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