Learn That Word

1  Get started

Student portal
Your pages

2  Quiz choices

3  Test-study concept

4  Vocabulary quiz 

Smart quiz
Spelling tutoring
Quiz structure

5  Right answer

Guess button
Recycle button

6  Wrong answer

Practice cycle
Practice button
Results count

7  ODE answers


8  Other options

Feedback sound
Grade level

9  Add words

Finding lists
Creating lists

10  Goal modules

11  Performance

12  Rewards


Video: 1 min. introduction

About LearnThatWord


by Transposh - translation plugin for wordpress

3 - Test-study concept

Test-study  =  reduced study time  +  better results


Overwhelmed by your
word lists? Busy work
wastes time and energy!

We track what you know;
you focus on those words
  that need practice!

Practice words are reviewed
until you get them right,
every time.

Test-study visuals 1 Test-study visuals 2 Test-study visuals 3


LearnThatWord's adaptive algorithm maps out your knowledge base, identifies problem words, and schedules review accordingly.

Initially, some students may feel like they're taking an exam.

It's important to understand that there are no negative consequences attached to making a mistake. Errors simply highlight what needs more review, and allows us to stop practicing words you already know.

Plus, once you're aware of the need to review something, you'll be able to learn more, faster!


Before:  2  -  Quiz Choices          Here:  3  -  Test-study concept          Next:  4 - Vocabulary quiz