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List #: 957

Created: 11/04/2009

Modified: 11/04/2009

Rating: 3.0 (4 votes)

List of Words:

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(part 1) (30 words)

abase, abash, abate, abbreviate, abdicate, aberrant, aberration, abet, abeyance, abhor, abide, abject, abjure, ablution, abnegation, abode, abolish, abominable, abominate, aboriginal, abortive, abrasive, abridge, abrogate, abscission, abscond, absolute, absolve, abstain, abstemious

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(part 2) (31 words)

abstinence, abstract, abstruse, abusive, abut, abysmal, abyss, academic, accede, accelerate, accessible, accessory, acclaim, acclimate, acclivity, accolade, accommodate, accomplice, accord, accost, accoutre, accretion, accrue, acerbity, acetic, acidulous, acknowledge, acme, acne, acoustics, acquiesce

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(part 3) (31 words)

acquittal, acrid, acrimonious, acrophobia, actuarial, actuary, actuate, acuity, acumen, acute, adage, adamant, adapt, addendum, addiction, addle, address, adept, adhere, adherent, adjacent, adjoin, adjourn, adjunct, adjuration, adjutant, admonish, adore, adorn, adroit, adulation

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(part 4) (31 words)

adulterate, advent, adventitious, adversary, adverse, adversity, advert, advocacy, advocate, aegis, eyrie, aesthetic, affable, affected, affidavit, affiliation, affinity, affirmation, affliction, affluence, affront, afterlife, agape, agenda, agglomeration, aggrandize, aggregate, aghast, agility, agitate, agnostic

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(part 5) (31 words)

agog, agrarian, airy, alacrity, alchemy, alcove, alias, alienate, alimentary, alimony, allay, allege, allegiance, allegory, alleviate, alliteration, allocate, alloy, allude, allure, alluvial, alms, aloft, aloof, altercation, altruistic, amalgam, amalgamate, amass, amazon, ambidextrous

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(part 6) (31 words)

ambience, ambiguous, ambivalence, amble, ambrosia, ambulatory, ambush, ameliorate, amenable, amend, amenities, amiable, amicable, amiss, amity, amnesia, amnesty, amoral, amorous, amorphous, amphibian, amphitheater, ample, amplify, amputate, amulet, anachronism, analgesia, analgesic, analogous, analogy

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(part 7) (31 words)

anarchist, anarchy, anathema, ancestry, anchor, ancillary, anecdote, anemia, anesthetic, anguish, angular, animadversion, animated, animosity, animus, annals, anneal, annex, annihilate, annotate, annuity, annul, anodyne, anoint, anomalous, anomaly, anonymity, antagonism, antecede, antecedents, antediluvian

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(part 8) (31 words)

anthem, anthology, anthropoid, anthropologist, anthropomorphic, anticlimax, antidote, antipathy, antiquated, antique, antiquity, antiseptic, antithesis, antler, anvil, apathy, ape, aperture, apex, aphasia, aphorism, apiarist, apiary, apiculture, aplomb, apocalyptic, apocryphal, apogee, apolitical, apologist, apoplexy

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(part 9) (31 words)

apostate, apothecary, apotheosis, appall, apparent, apparition, appease, appellation, append, application, apposite, appraise, appreciate, apprehend, apprehensive, apprise, approbation, appropriate, appurtenances, apropos, aptitude, aquiline, arable, arbiter, arbitrary, arbitrate, arboreal, arboretum, arcade, arcane, archaeology

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(part 10) (31 words)

archaic, archetype, archipelago, archives, ardor, arduous, argot, aria, arid, aristocracy, armada, aromatic, arraign, array, arrears, arrhythmic, arrogance, arroyo, arsenal, artery, artful, articulate, artifice, artisan, artless, ascendancy, ascertain, ascetic, ascribe, aseptic, ashen

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(part 11) (31 words)

asinine, askance, askew, asperity, aspersion, aspirant, aspire, assail, assay, assent, assert, assiduous, assimilate, assuage, assumption, assurance, asteroid, astigmatism, astral, astringent, astronomical, astute, asunder, asylum, asymmetric, atavism, atheistic, atone, atrocity, atrophy, attentive

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(part 12) (31 words)

attenuate, attest, attire, attribute, attrition, atypical, audacious, audit, augment, augury, august, aureole, auroral, auspicious, austere, authenticate, authoritarian, authoritative, autocratic, automaton, autonomous, autopsy, auxiliary, avalanche, avarice, avenge, aver, averse, aversion, avert, aviary

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(part 13) (31 words)

avid, avocation, avow, avuncular, awe, awful, awl, awry, axiom, azure, babble, bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian, backslide, backwards, badger, badinage, baffle, bait, baleful, balk, ballast, balm, balmy, banal, bandy, bane, bank, bantering, bar

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(part 14) (31 words)

barb, bard, barefaced, bargain, baroque, barrage, barrister, barterer, base, bask, bastard, bastion, bate, battalion, bauble, bawdy, bearing, beatific, beatitude, bedizen, bedraggle, beeline, befuddle, beget, begrudge, beguile, behemoth, beholden, belabor, belated, beleaguer

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(part 15) (31 words)

belie, belittle, bellicose, belligerent, bemoan, bemused, benediction, benefactor, beneficent, beneficial, beneficiary, benefit, benevolent, benign, benison, bent, bequeath, berate, bereaved, bereavement, bereft, berserk, beseech, beset, besiege, besmirch, bestial, bestow, betoken, betray, betroth

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(part 16) (31 words)

bevy, beware, bewitch, bicameral, bicker, bid, biennial, bifurcated, bigot, bigotry, bilious, bilk, billow, billowing, biting, bitter, bivouac, bizarre, blackball, blanch, bland, blandishment, blare, blasphemy, blatant, bleak, blemish, blight, blighted, bliss, bloated

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(part 17) (31 words)

blotch, blowhard, bludgeon, blue, blues, bluff, blunder, blunt, blurt, blush, bluster, bode, bog, bogus, bohemian, boisterous, bolster, bolt, bombardment, bombast, bombastic, bookish, boon, boor, boorish, boost, botch, bouillon, bound, bountiful, bourgeois

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(part 18) (31 words)

bout, bovine, bowdlerize, brackish, brag, braggadocio, braggart, braid, brand, brandish, bravado, brave, brawl, brawn, brawny, brazen, breach, breadth, breed, brevity, bridle, brim, brindled, brink, brisk, bristle, bristling, brittle, broach, brocade, brochure

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(part 19) (31 words)

broil, bromide, brooch, brood, brook, browbeat, browse, bruise, brunt, brusque, buccaneer, bucolic, buffet, buffoon, buffoonery, bugaboo, bulge, bulk, bullion, bully, bulwark, bump, bungle, buoyant, bureaucracy, burgeon, burlesque, burnish, bust, buttress, buxom

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(part 20) (31 words)

cabal, cache, cacophonous, cadaver, cadaverous, cadence, cadet, cajole, calamity, calculated, caliber, calligraphy, callous, callow, callus, calorific, calumny, camaraderie, cameo, camp, canard, candor, canine, canker, canny, cant, cantankerous, cantata, canter, canto, canvass

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(part 21) (31 words)

capacious, capacity, capillary, capitulate, caprice, capricious, capsize, caption, captious, carafe, carapace, carcinogenic, cardinal, cardiologist, careen, career, carefree, caricature, carillon, carnage, carnal, carnivorous, carousal, carping, carrion, cartographer, cascade, caste, castigation, castrate, casual

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(part 22) (31 words)

casualty, cataclysm, catalyst, catapult, cataract, catastrophe, catcall, catechism, categorical, cater, catharsis, cathartic, catholic, caucus, causal, caustic, cauterize, cavalcade, cavalier, cavil, cede, celerity, celestial, celibate, cemetery, censor, censorious, censure, centaur, centigrade, centrifugal

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(part 23) (31 words)

centrifuge, centripetal, centurion, cerebral, cerebration, ceremonious, certitude, cessation, cession, chafe, chaff, chaffing, chagrin, chalice, chameleon, champion, championship, chancellor, chant, chaotic, chapel, chaperon, chaplain, char, charisma, charlatan, charm, chary, chase, chasm, chassis

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(part 24) (31 words)

chaste, chasten, chastise, chauvinist, check, cherubic, chicanery, chide, chimerical, chip, chisel, chivalrous, choice, choir, choleric, chore, choreography, chortle, chorus, chronic, chronicle, chuckle, churlish, ciliated, cipher, circlet, circuit, circuitous, circumlocution, circumscribe, circumspect

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(part 25) (31 words)

circumvent, cistern, citadel, cite, civil, clairvoyant, clamber, clamor, clandestine, clangor, clap, clapper, clarion, clasp, claustrophobia, clavicle, cleave, cleft, clemency, clientele, climactic, clime, clip, clipper, clique, cloister, clot, clout, clown, cloying, coagulate

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(part 26) (31 words)

coalesce, coalition, coax, coda, coddle, codicil, codify, coercion, coeval, cog, cogent, cogitate, cognate, cognitive, cognizance, cohabit, cohere, cohesion, coiffure, coin, coincidence, colander, collaborate, collage, collate, collateral, collation, collected, colloquial, colloquy, collusion

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(part 27) (31 words)

colossal, colossus, coma, comatose, combustible, comeback, comely, comestible, comeuppance, comity, commandeer, commemorate, commemorative, commensurate, commiserate, commodious, commonplace, commonwealth, communal, commune, compact, compartment, compassion, compatible, compelling, compendium, compensatory, compilation, compile, complacency, complaisant

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(part 28) (31 words)

complement, complementary, compliance, compliant, complicity, component, comport, compost, composure, compound, comprehend, comprehensive, compress, comprise, compromise, compulsion, compulsive, compulsory, compunction, compute, concatenate, concave, concede, conceit, concentric, conception, concerted, concession, conciliatory, concise, conclave

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(part 29) (31 words)

conclusive, concoct, concomitant, concord, concordat, concur, concurrent, condescend, condign, condiments, condole, condone, conducive, conduit, confide, confidence, confidential, confine, confiscate, conflagration, confluence, conformist, conformity, confound, congeal, congenial, congenital, conglomerate, conglomeration, congruence, congruent

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(part 30) (31 words)

conifer, conjecture, conjugal, conjure, connivance, connoisseur, connotation, connubial, consanguinity, conscientious, conscript, consecrate, consensus, consequential, consign, consistency, console, consolidation, consonance, consonant, consort, conspiracy, conspire, consternation, constituency, constituent, constitution, constraint, construe, consummate, contagion

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(part 31) (31 words)

contaminate, contempt, contend, contention, contentious, contest, context, contiguous, continence, contingent, contortions, contraband, contravene, contrite, contrivance, contrive, contrived, controvert, contumacious, contusion, conundrum, convene, convention, conventional, converge, conversant, converse, convert, convex, conveyance, conviction

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(part 32) (31 words)

convivial, convoke, convoluted, convulsion, copious, coquette, cordial, cordon, cornice, cornucopia, corollary, coroner, corporeal, corpulent, corpus, corpuscle, correlate, correlation, corroborate, corrode, corrosive, corrugated, cosmic, coterie, countenance, countermand, counterpart, coup, couple, courier, court

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(part 33) (31 words)

covenant, covert, covetous, cow, cower, coy, cozen, crabbed, craft, crass, crave, craven, credence, credential, credo, credulity, creed, creep, cremate, crescendo, crest, crestfallen, crevice, cringe, crinkle, criteria, crochet, crone, cross, crossbreed, crotchety

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(part 34) (31 words)

crust, crux, crypt, cryptic, cubicle, cue, cuisine, culinary, cull, culmination, culpable, culprit, culvert, cumbersome, cumulative, cunning, cupidity, curator, curb, curfew, curmudgeon, cursive, cursory, curtail, cynical, cynosure, debacle, debris, decollete, denouement, dabble

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(part 35) (31 words)

dainty, dais, dally, damn, dank, dapper, dappled, dart, daub, daunt, dauntless, dawdle, daze, dazzle, deadlock, deadpan, dearth, debar, debase, debauch, debilitate, debonair, debunk, debut, debutante, decadence, decant, decapitate, decelerate, deciduous, decimate

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(part 36) (31 words)

decipher, declivity, decomposition, decorous, decorum, decoy, decree, decrepit, decrepitude, decry, deducible, deface, defalcate, defame, default, defeatist, defect, defection, defer, deference, defiance, defile, definitive, deflect, defoliate, defray, defrock, deft, defunct, degenerate, degradation

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(part 37) (31 words)

dehydrate, deify, deign, delete, deleterious, deliberate, delineate, delirium, delta, delude, deluge, delusion, delusive, delve, demagogue, demean, demeanor, demented, demerit, demise, demographic, demolition, demotic, demur, demure, denigrate, denizen, denomination, denotation, denounce, depict

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(part 38) (31 words)

deplete, deplore, deploy, deport, depose, deposition, depravity, deprecate, depreciate, depredation, deputize, deranged, derelict, dereliction, deride, derision, derivation, derivative, dermatologist, derogatory, descry, desecrate, deserts, desiccate, desolate, desperado, desperate, despise, despoil, despondent, despot

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(part 39) (31 words)

destitute, desultory, detached, detain, determinate, determination, deterrent, detonation, detraction, detrimental, deviate, devious, devise, devoid, devolve, devotee, devout, dexterous, diabolical, diadem, dialectical, diaphanous, diatribe, dichotomy, dictum, didactic, die, diffidence, diffuse, dignitary, digression

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(part 40) (31 words)

dilapidated, dilate, dilatory, dilemma, dilettante, diligence, dilute, diminution, din, dinghy, dingy, dint, diorama, dire, dirge, disabuse, disaffected, disapprobation, disarray, disavowal, disband, disbar, disburse, discernible, discerning, disclaim, disclose, discombobulated, discomfit, discompose, disconcert

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(part 41) (31 words)

disconsolate, discord, discordant, discount, discourse, discredit, discrepancy, discrete, discretion, discriminate, discriminating, discursive, disdain, disembark, disenfranchise, disengage, disfigure, disgorge, disgruntle, dishearten, disheveled, dishonor, disinclination, disingenuous, disinter, disinterested, disjointed, disjunction, dislodge, dismantle, dismember

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(part 42) (31 words)

dismiss, disparage, disparate, disparity, dispassionate, dispatch, dispel, dispense, disperse, dispirited, disport, disproportion, disputatious, disquietude, disquisition, dissection, dissemble, disseminate, dissension, dissent, dissertation, dissident, dissimulate, dissipate, dissolution, dissonance, dissuade, distant, distend, distill, distinct

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(part 43) (31 words)

distinction, distinctive, distort, distract, distrait, distraught, diurnal, diva, diverge, diverse, diversion, divest, divine, divulge, docile, docket, doctrinaire, doctrine, document, doddering, doff, dogged, doggerel, dogmatic, doldrums, dolorous, dolt, domicile, dominant, dominate, domineer

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(part 44) (31 words)

don, doom, dormant, dormer, dorsal, dossier, dotage, dote, dour, douse, dowdy, downcast, dowry, dowse, doze, drab, draconian, draft, drama, drastic, draught, draw, dregs, dribble, drip, drivel, droll, drone, droop, dross, drudge

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(part 45) (31 words)

drudgery, dubious, ductile, dulcet, dull, dummy, dupe, duplicity, duration, duress, dwindle, dynamic, dynamo, dysentery, dyslexia, dyspeptic, earmark, earn, earthly, earthy, ebb, ebullient, eccentric, eccentricity, ecclesiastic, eclectic, eclipse, ecliptic, ecologist, economy, ecosystem

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(part 46) (31 words)

ecstasy, eddy, edict, edifice, edify, eerie, efface, effective, effectual, effectuate, effeminate, effervescence, effete, efficacy, effigy, effluvium, effrontery, effulgent, effusion, ego, egoism, egotism, egotistical, egregious, egress, ejaculation, elaborate, elaboration, elastic, elated, elegy

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(part 47) (31 words)

elevation, elicit, elixir, ellipsis, elliptical, elope, eloquence, elucidate, elusive, elysian, elysium, emaciated, emanate, emancipate, emasculate, embargo, embark, embellish, embezzlement, embitter, emblazon, embody, emboss, embrace, embroider, embroil, embryonic, emend, emetic, eminent, emissary

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(part 48) (31 words)

emollient, emolument, empathy, empirical, emulate, enact, enamored, encipher, encircle, enclave, encomiastic, encompass, encroachment, encumber, Endear, endearment, endemic, endorse, endue, enduring, energize, enervate, enfranchise, engage, engaged, engaging, engender, engross, engulf, enhance, enigma

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(part 49) (31 words)

enjoin, enlist, enliven, enmity, ennui, enormity, enrapture, ensconce, ensue, entail, enterprise, enterprising, enthrall, entice, entity, entomology, entourage, entrance, entreat, entrepreneur, enumerate, enunciate, environ, ephemeral, epic, epicure, epicurean, epigram, epilogue, episodic, epistemologist

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(part 50) (31 words)

epitaph, epithet, epitome, epoch, equable, equanimity, equestrian, equilibrium, equine, equinox, equipoise, equitable, equity, equivocal, equivocate, erode, erotic, errant, erratic, erroneous, erudite, escapade, eschew, esoteric, espionage, espouse, esteem, estimable, estranged, ethereal, ethnic

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(part 51) (31 words)

ethnology, ethos, etymology, eugenic, eulogistic, eulogy, euphemism, euphony, euphoria, euthanasia, evanescent, evasive, evenhanded, eventual, evince, evocative, evoke, ewe, exacerbate, exact, exacting, exalt, exasperate, except, exceptionable, excerpt, exchequer, excise, exclaim, excoriate, exculpate

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(part 52) (31 words)

execrable, execrate, execute, executioner, executive, executor, exegesis, exemplary, exemplify, exempt, exertion, exhale, exhilarating, exhort, exhume, exigency, exiguous, existential, exodus, exonerate, exorbitant, exorcise, exotic, expansive, expatiate, expatriate, expedient, expedite, expeditious, expenditure, expertise

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(part 53) (31 words)

expiate, expletive, explicate, explicit, exploit, expository, expostulation, exposure, expound, expropriate, expunge, expurgate, exquisite, extant, extemporaneous, extenuate, extirpate, extol, extort, extradition, extraneous, extrapolation, extricate, extrinsic, extrovert, extrude, exuberance, exude, exult, fabricate, facet

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(part 54) (31 words)

facetious, facile, facilitate, facsimile, faction, factious, factitious, factotum, faculty, fake, fallacious, fallible, fallow, falsify, falter, fanaticism, fancied, fancier, fanciful, fancy, fanfare, farce, fashion, fastidious, fatalism, fathom, fathomless, fatuous, fauna, favoritism, fawning

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(part 55) (31 words)

faze, feasible, feature, febrile, fecundity, feebleminded, feign, feint, felicitous, felicity, feline, fell, felon, feral, ferment, fermentation, ferocious, ferret, fertile, fervent, fervid, fervor, fester, festive, fetter, feud, fiasco, fiat, fickle, fictitious, fidelity

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(part 56) (31 words)

fiend, figment, figurative, figure, figurine, filch, filial, filibuster, filigree, filing, filth, finale, finery, finesse, finicky, finish, finished, finite, firebrand, fissure, fit, fitful, flaccid, flag, flagrant, flail, flair, flamboyant, flashy, flaunt, flay

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(part 57) (31 words)

fleck, fleece, fleet, flick, flicker, flighty, flinch, flip, flippant, flirt, flit, floe, flora, florescence, florid, flotsam, flounder, flourish, flout, flowery, fluctuate, fluency, fluke, flush, fluster, fluted, flutter, flux, fodder, foible, foil

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(part 58) (31 words)

foist, foliage, foment, foolhardy, foppish, foray, forbearance, ford, foreboding, forensic, forerunner, foreshadow, foresight, forestall, forfeit, forge, forlorn, formality, formidable, forsake, forswear, forte, forthcoming, forthright, fortitude, fortuitous, forum, forward, foster, foul, founder

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(part 59) (31 words)

fracas, fractious, frail, franchise, frantic, fraudulent, fraught, fray, freebooter, frenzied, fresco, fret, friction, frieze, frigid, fringe, frisk, fritter, frivolous, frock, frolic, frolicsome, frond, fructify, frugality, fruitful, fruition, frustrate, fuddle, fugitive, fulcrum

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(part 60) (31 words)

fulminate, fulsome, fumble, functional, functionary, fundamental, funereal, furor, furrow, furtive, fusillade, fusion, fussy, futile, gadfly, gaffe, gainsay, gait, galaxy, gale, gall, galleon, galley, gallows, galvanic, galvanize, gambit, gambol, gamely, gamut, gangrene

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(part 61) (31 words)

gape, garbled, gargantuan, gargoyle, garish, garner, garnish, garrulous, gastronomy, gauche, gaudy, gaunt, gavel, gawk, gazette, genealogy, generality, generate, generic, genesis, geniality, genre, genteel, gentility, gentle, gentry, genuflect, genus, geriatrics, germ, germane

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(part 62) (31 words)

germinal, germinate, gerontocracy, gerontology, gerrymander, gestate, gesticulation, ghastly, gibberish, gibe, giddy, gild, gingerly, girth, gist, glacial, glamor, glare, glaring, glaze, gleam, glean, glib, glimmer, glitter, gloat, gloss, glossary, glossy, glow, glower

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(part 63) (31 words)

glut, glutinous, glutton, gnarl, gnarled, gnome, goad, gobble, gorge, gory, gossamer, gouge, gourmand, gourmet, gracious, gradation, graduate, graduated, granary, grandeur, grandiloquent, grandiose, granulate, graphic, graphite, grapple, grate, gratify, gratis, gratuitous, gratuity

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(part 64) (31 words)

gravity, graze, gregarious, grievance, grill, grim, grimace, grisly, groom, groove, gross, grotesque, grotto, grouch, grouse, grovel, growl, grudge, grudging, gruel, grueling, gruesome, gruff, grumble, grunt, guffaw, guile, guileless, guise, gull, gullible

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(part 65) (31 words)

gush, gust, gustatory, gusto, gusty, guy, gyroscope, habitat, habituate, hackles, hackneyed, haggard, haggle, hail, halcyon, hale, halfhearted, hallowed, hallucination, halting, hamper, handsome, hap, haphazard, hapless, harangue, harass, harbinger, harbor, hardy, harping

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(part 66) (31 words)

harrowing, harry, hatch, haughtiness, haunt, haven, havoc, hazard, hazardous, hazy, headfirst, headlong, headstrong, healthful, healthy, heckler, hedonist, heed, heedless, hegemony, heinous, helm, hem, herald, herbivorous, herd, hereafter, heresy, hermetic, hermitage, herpetologist

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(part 67) (31 words)

heterodox, heterogeneous, hew, heyday, hiatus, hibernal, hibernate, hide, hideous, hierarchy, hieroglyphic, high-flown, hilarity, hindmost, hindrance, hindsight, hireling, hirsute, historic, historical, histrionic, hive, hoard, hoary, hoax, holocaust, holster, homage, homely, homeostasis, homespun

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(part 68) (31 words)

homily, homogeneous, hone, hoodwink, horde, horoscope, hortatory, horticultural, hostage, hostility, hothead, hovel, hover, hubbub, hubris, hue, hull, humane, humanitarian, humble, humdrum, humid, humility, hummock, humor, humus, hurl, hurtle, husband, husbandry, hut

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(part 69) (31 words)

hybrid, hydrophobia, hygiene, hyperbole, hypercritical, hypnosis, hypochondriac, hypocritical, hypothetical, hysteria, ichthyology, iconoclastic, ideology, idiom, idiosyncrasy, idle, idolatry, idyllic, igneous, ignite, ignoble, ignominy, illicit, illimitable, illuminate, illusion, illusive, illusory, imbalance, imbecility, imbibe

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(part 70) (31 words)

imbroglio, imbue, immaculate, imminent, immobility, immolate, immune, immure, immutable, impair, impale, impalpable, impart, impartial, impassable, impasse, impassioned, impassive, impeach, impeccable, impecunious, impede, impediment, impel, impending, impenetrable, impenitent, imperative, imperceptible, imperial, imperil

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(part 71) (31 words)

imperious, impermeable, impersonal, impertinent, imperturbable, impervious, impetuous, impetus, impiety, impinge, impious, implacable, implausible, implement, implicate, implication, implicit, implode, implore, imply, impolitic, imponderable, import, importunate, importune, imposture, impotent, impoverish, imprecation, impregnable, impregnate

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(part 72) (31 words)

impromptu, impropriety, improvident, improvise, imprudent, impudence, impugn, impuissance, impunity, impute, inadvertently, inalienable, inamorata, inane, inanimate, inarticulate, inaugurate, incandescent, incantation, incapacitate, incarcerate, incarnate, incarnation, incendiary, incense, incentive, inception, incessant, inchoate, incidence, incident

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(part 73) (31 words)

incidental, incinerate, incipient, incisive, incite, inclement, incline, inclined, inclusive, incognito, incoherent, incommodious, incompatible, incongruity, inconsequential, inconsistency, incontinent, incontrovertible, incorporate, incorporeal, incorrigible, incredulity, incredulous, increment, incriminate, incrustation, incubate, incubus, inculcate, incumbent, incur

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(part 74) (31 words)

incursion, indecision, indecisive, indefatigable, indelible, indemnify, indentation, indenture, indeterminate, indicative, indices, indict, indifferent, indigence, indigenous, indigent, indignation, indignity, indiscriminate, indisputable, indissoluble, indite, indoctrinate, indolent, indomitable, indubitable, induce, induct, inductive, indulge, indulgent

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(part 75) (31 words)

industrious, inebriate, inebriated, ineffable, ineffectual, ineluctable, inept, inequity, inerrancy, inert, inestimable, inevitable, inexorable, inextricable, infallible, infamous, infantile, infer, infernal, infest, infidel, infiltrate, infinitesimal, infirmity, inflated, influx, infraction, infringe, ingenious, ingenue, ingenuous

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(part 76) (31 words)

ingrained, ingrate, ingratiate, inherent, inhibit, inhibited, inimical, inimitable, iniquitous, initiate, injurious, inkling, innate, innocuous, innovation, innuendo, inopportune, inordinate, inquisitive, inquisitor, inroad, insalubrious, insatiable, inscrutable, insensate, insensible, insidious, insightful, insinuate, insipid, insolence

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(part 77) (31 words)

insolvent, insomnia, insouciant, instigate, institute, institution, institutionalize, insubordination, insubstantial, insularity, insuperable, insurgent, insurmountable, insurrection, intangible, integral, integrate, integrity, intellect, intelligentsia, inter, interdict, interim, interjection, interloper, intermediary, interminable, intermittent, internecine, interpolate, interregnum

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(part 78) (31 words)

interrogate, interstice, intervene, intimate, intimidate, intolerant, intoxicate, intractable, intransigence, intrepid, intrigue, intrinsic, introspective, introvert, intrude, intuition, inundate, inured, invalid, invalidate, invective, inveigh, inveigle, inverse, invert, inveterate, invidious, invincible, inviolable, invocation, invoke

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(part 79) (31 words)

invulnerable, iota, irascible, irate, iridescent, irksome, ironic, irony, irreconcilable, irrefutable, irrelevant, irremediable, irreparable, irrepressible, irreproachable, irresolute, irretrievable, irreverence, irrevocable, isotope, isthmus, itinerant, itinerary, jab, jabber, jaded, jargon, jaundice, jaundiced, jaunt, jaunty

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(part 80) (31 words)

jeopardize, jest, jetsam, jettison, jibe, jingoist, jocose, jocular, jocund, jollity, jostle, jovial, jubilation, judiciary, judicious, jug, juggernaut, jumble, juncture, junket, junta, juridical, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, juxtapose, kaleidoscope, ken, kernel, killjoy, kindle, kindred

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(part 81) (31 words)

kinetic, kismet, kleptomaniac, knack, knave, knead, kneel, knell, knit, knoll, knotty, kudos, labile, laborious, labyrinth, lace, laceration, lachrymose, lackadaisical, lackluster, laconic, lag, laggard, lagoon, laity, lament, lampoon, lance, lancet, languid, languish

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(part 82) (31 words)

languor, lank, lap, larceny, larder, largess, lascivious, lassitude, latch, latent, lateral, latitude, laud, lavish, lax, layman, leash, leaven, leave-taking, lechery, lectern, leery, leeway, legacy, legato, legend, legerdemain, legislature, leniency, leonine, lethal

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(part 83) (31 words)

lethargic, levee, levitate, levity, levy, lewd, lexicographer, lexicon, liability, liaison, libel, libertine, libidinous, libido, libretto, license, licentious, lien, ligneous, lilliputian, limber, limbo, limn, limp, limpid, lineage, lineaments, linger, linguistic, lionize, liquidate

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(part 84) (31 words)

list, listless, litany, lithe, litigation, litotes, litter, livid, loath, loathe, lode, loft, lofty, log, loiter, loll, longevity, lookout, loom, lope, lopsided, loquacious, lot, lottery, lounge, lout, low, lubricate, lucid, lucrative, lucre

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(part 85) (31 words)

ludicrous, lugubrious, lull, lumber, lumen, luminary, luminous, lunar, lunatic, lurid, lurk, luscious, lush, lust, luster, lustrous, luxuriant, luxuriate, macabre, mace, macerate, machiavellian, machinations, madrigal, maelstrom, magisterial, magistrate, magnanimity, magnate, magniloquent, magnitude

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(part 86) (31 words)

maim, makeshift, maladroit, malady, malaise, malapropism, malapropos, malcontent, malediction, malefactor, malevolent, malfeasance, malicious, malign, malignant, malingerer, malleable, malodorous, mammal, mammoth, manacle, mandate, mandatory, mange, mangle, mangy, maniacal, manifest, manifestation, manifesto, manifold

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(part 87) (31 words)

manipulate, mannered, mannerism, mantle, manumit, mar, maraud, margin, marginal, marital, maritime, marked, maroon, marred, marrow, marshal, marsupial, martial, martinet, martyr, mash, masochist, mason, masquerade, mass, masticate, mat, materialism, maternal, matriarch, matriculate

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(part 88) (31 words)

matrimony, matrix, maudlin, maul, mausoleum, mauve, maverick, mawkish, maxim, mayhem, meager, mealymouthed, meander, meddlesome, mediate, mediocre, meditation, medium, medley, meek, megalomania, melancholy, melee, mellifluous, memento, memoir, memorial, memorialize, menace, menagerie, mendacious

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(part 89) (31 words)

mendicant, menial, mentor, mercantile, mercenary, mercurial, meretricious, merger, merit, mesmerize, metallurgical, metamorphosis, metaphor, metaphysical, mete, meteoric, meter, methodical, meticulous, metrical, metropolis, mettle, miasma, microcosm, migrant, migratory, milieu, militant, militate, militia, millennium

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(part 90) (31 words)

mime, mimicry, minatory, mincing, mingle, miniature, minion, minute, minutiae, mirage, mire, mirth, misadventure, misanthrope, misapprehension, miscellaneous, miscellany, mischance, mischief, misconduct, misconstrue, miscreant, misdemeanor, miserly, misgivings, mishap, misnomer, misogamy, misogynist, missile, missive

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(part 91) (31 words)

mite, mitigate, mnemonic, mobile, mock, mode, modicum, modish, modulate, mogul, molecule, mollify, mollycoddle, molten, momentous, momentum, monarchy, monastic, monetary, mongrel, monochromatic, monochrome, monogram, monograph, monolithic, monotheism, monotony, monumental, moodiness, moratorium, morbid

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(part 92) (31 words)

mordant, mores, morgue, moribund, morose, mortar, mortician, mortify, mosaic, mote, motif, motility, motley, mottled, motto, mountebank, muddle, muggy, mulct, multifarious, multiform, multilingual, multiplicity, mundane, munificent, mural, murky, murmur, muse, musky, muster

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(part 93) (31 words)

musty, mute, muted, mutilate, mutinous, mutter, myopic, myriad, mystic, nadir, narcissist, narrative, nascent, natal, natation, natty, nausea, nauseate, nauseous, nautical, navigable, nebula, nebulous, necromancy, nectar, nefarious, negate, negligence, negligible, nemesis, neologism

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(part 94) (31 words)

neophyte, nepotism, nether, nettle, nexus, nib, nicety, niggardly, niggle, nihilist, nimble, nip, nirvana, nocturnal, noisome, nomadic, nomenclature, nominal, nonchalance, noncommittal, nondescript, nonentity, nonplus, nonsense, noose, nostalgia, nostrum, notable, notch, notoriety, nourish

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(part 95) (31 words)

nourishment, nova, novelty, novice, noxious, nuance, nubile, nugatory, nullify, numismatist, nuptial, nurse, nurture, nutrient, nutrition, nutritious, oaf, oath, oatmeal, obdurate, obeisance, obelisk, obese, obfuscate, obituary, objective, obligatory, oblique, obliterate, oblivion, oblivious

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(part 96) (31 words)

obloquy, obnoxious, obscure, obsequious, obsequy, obsessive, obsidian, obsolete, obstetrician, obstinate, obstreperous, obtrude, obtuse, obviate, Occident, occlude, occult, oculist, odds, odious, odium, odoriferous, odorous, odyssey, offensive, offhand, officious, ogle, olfactory, oligarchy, ominous

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(part 97) (31 words)

omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnivorous, onerous, onomatopoeia, onslaught, onus, ooze, opalescent, opaque, opiate, opportune, opportunist, opprobrium, optician, optimist, optimum, optional, optometrist, opulence, opus, oracular, orator, oratorio, ordain, ordeal, ordinance, ordination, orgy, orient

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(part 98) (31 words)

orientation, orifice, ornate, ornithologist, orthodox, orthography, oscillate, osseous, Ossify, ostensible, ostentatious, ostracize, oust, outcast, outfit, outgoing, outlandish, outlaw, outlook, outmoded, outrage, outskirts, outspoken, outstrip, outwit, ovation, overbearing, overblown, oversee, overt, overthrow

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(part 99) (31 words)

overture, overturn, overweening, overwhelm, overwrought, ovoid, pachyderm, pacifist, pacify, padre, paean, painstaking, palatable, palate, palatial, paleontology, palette, palimpsest, pall, pallet, palliate, pallid, palm, palpable, palpitate, paltry, pan, panacea, panache, pandemic, pandemonium

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(part 100) (31 words)

pander, panegyric, pang, panoramic, pantomime, papyrus, parable, paradigm, paradox, paragon, parallel, parallelism, parameter, paramount, paramour, paranoia, paraphernalia, paraphrase, parasite, parched, parchment, pare, pariah, parish, parity, parlance, parley, parochial, parody, paroxysm, parquet

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(part 101) (31 words)

parry, parsimony, partial, partiality, partisan, partition, parvenu, passive, paste, pastiche, pastoral, pastry, patent, pathetic, pathological, pathos, patina, patois, patriarch, patrician, patrimony, patronize, paucity, pauper, peccadillo, pecuniary, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, peddle

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(part 102) (31 words)

pedestal, pedestrian, pediatrician, pedigree, peer, peerless, peevish, pejorative, pell-mell, pellucid, pen, penance, penchant, pending, pendulous, penetrate, penitent, penology, pensive, penumbra, penury, peon, perceptive, percussion, perdition, peregrination, peremptory, perennial, perfidious, perforate, perfunctory

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(part 103) (31 words)

perigee, perimeter, peripatetic, peripheral, periphery, perjury, permeable, permissive, pernicious, peroration, perpetrate, perpetual, perpetuate, persevere, persist, personable, personify, perspicacious, perspicuity, perspicuous, pert, pertinacious, pertinent, perturb, peruse, pervasive, perverse, perversion, pervert, pessimism, pestle

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(part 104) (31 words)

petrify, petty, petulant, phalanx, pharisaical, pharisee, phenomena, philanderer, philanthropist, philatelist, philistine, philology, phlegmatic, phobia, phoenix, phylum, physiognomy, physiological, piebald, piecemeal, pied, piety, pigment, pilfer, pillage, pillory, pinch, pine, pinion, pinnace, pinnacle

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(part 105) (31 words)

pious, piquant, pique, piscatorial, pitfall, pith, pithy, pittance, pivotal, placate, placebo, placid, plagiarize, plaintive, plait, plane, plaster, plasticity, platitude, platonic, plaudit, plausible, plebeian, plebiscite, plenary, plenitude, plethora, pliable, pliant, plight, ploy

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(part 106) (31 words)

pluck, plumage, plumb, plumber, plume, plummet, plump, plutocracy, podiatrist, podium, poignancy, poise, polar, polarity, polarize, polemic, politic, polity, polygamist, polyglot, pomposity, ponderous, pontifical, pore, porous, porridge, portend, portly, pose, poseur, posterity

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(part 107) (31 words)

posthumous, postmortem, postulate, posture, potable, potent, potentate, potential, potion, potpourri, poultice, practicable, practical, pragmatic, pragmatist, prance, prank, prate, prattle, preamble, precarious, precedent, precept, precinct, precipice, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, precise, preclude, precocious

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(part 108) (31 words)

precursor, predator, predecessor, predetermine, predicament, predilection, predispose, preeminent, preempt, preen, prefatory, prefigure, prehensile, prelate, prelude, premeditate, premise, premonition, premonitory, preponderance, prepossessing, preposterous, prerogative, presage, prescience, presentiment, prestige, presume, presumptuous, pretend, pretension

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(part 109) (31 words)

pretentious, preternatural, pretext, prevail, prevalent, prevaricate, prey, prim, primal, primary, primate, prime, primogeniture, primordial, primp, pristine, privation, privy, prize, probe, probity, problematic, proclivity, procrastinate, procurement, prod, prodigal, prodigious, prodigy, profane, profligate

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(part 110) (31 words)

profound, profusion, progenitor, progeny, prognosis, prognosticate, prohibitive, projectile, proletarian, proliferate, prolific, prolixity, prologue, prolong, prominent, promiscuous, promontory, promote, prompt, promulgate, prone, prong, pronounced, prop, propagate, propensity, prophetic, prophylactic, propinquity, propitiate, propitious

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(part 111) (31 words)

proponent, propound, propriety, propulsive, prosaic, proscenium, proscribe, proselytize, prosody, prosper, prosperity, prosperous, prostrate, protagonist, protean, protocol, prototype, protract, protrude, protuberance, provenance, provender, proverb, providence, provident, provincial, provision, provisional, proviso, provocative, prowess

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(part 112) (31 words)

proximity, proxy, prude, prudent, prune, prurient, pry, pseudonym, psyche, psychiatrist, psychic, psychopathic, psychosis, psychosomatic, pterodactyl, pucker, pudding, puerile, pugilist, pugnacity, puissant, pulchritude, pulmonary, pulpit, pulsate, pulse, pulverize, pummel, punctilious, pundit, pungent

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(part 113) (31 words)

punitive, puny, purchase, purgatory, purge, purport, purported, purse, purveyor, pushy, pusillanimous, putative, putrefy, putrescent, putrid, puzzle, pyromaniac, quack, quadruped, quaff, quagmire, quail, quaint, qualified, qualify, quandary, quarantine, quarry, quash, quay, queasy

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(part 114) (31 words)

queer, quell, quench, querulous, query, queue, quibble, quicksilver, quiescent, quietude, quintessence, quip, quirk, quisling, quiver, quixotic, quizzical, quorum, quotidian, rabble, rabid, rabies, raconteur, raffle, rag, ragamuffin, rail, raiment, rake, rakish, rally

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(part 115) (31 words)

ram, ramble, ramification, ramify, ramp, rampant, rampart, ramshackle, rancid, rancor, random, rank, rankle, ransack, rant, rapacious, rapport, rapt, rapture, rare, rarefied, rasp, raspy, ratify, ratiocination, ration, rational, rationale, rationalize, raucous, ravage

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(part 116) (31 words)

rave, ravel, ravenous, ravine, raze, reactionary, realm, reaper, rebate, rebuff, rebuke, rebus, rebuttal, recalcitrant, recant, recapitulate, recast, receptive, recess, recession, recidivism, recipient, reciprocal, reciprocate, recital, recite, reckon, recline, recluse, reconcile, recondite

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(part 117) (31 words)

reconnaissance, recount, recourse, recreant, recrimination, rectify, rectitude, recumbent, recuperate, recurrent, redolent, redoubtable, redress, reduce, redundant, reek, refectory, referendum, refraction, refractory, refrain, refulgent, refurbish, refuse, refute, regal, regale, regatta, regeneration, regent, regicide

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(part 118) (31 words)

regime, regimen, regiment, rehabilitate, reimburse, reinstate, reiterate, rejoinder, rejuvenate, relapse, relegate, relent, relevant, relic, religious, relinquish, relish, remediable, reminiscence, reminiscent, remiss, remission, remit, remittance, remnant, remonstrate, remorse, remunerative, rend, render, rendezvous

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(part 119) (31 words)

rendition, renegade, renege, renounce, renovate, renown, rent, reparable, reparation, repartee, repast, repeal, repel, repellent, repercussion, repertoire, repine, replenish, replete, replica, replicate, repose, repository, reprehensible, representational, repress, reprieve, reprimand, reprisal, reprise, reproach

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(part 120) (31 words)

reprobate, reprobation, reprove, repudiate, repugnance, repulse, repulsion, reputable, reputed, requiem, requisite, requisition, requite, rescind, resentment, reserve, residual, residue, resign, resignation, resilient, resolution, resolve, resonant, resort, resound, resourceful, respiration, respite, resplendent, responsiveness

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(part 121) (31 words)

restitution, restive, restraint, resumption, resurge, resurrect, resuscitate, retain, retaliate, retard, retentive, reticent, retinue, retiring, retort, retract, retrench, retribution, retrieve, retroactive, retrograde, retrospective, revelry, reverberate, reverend, reverent, reverie, revert, revile, revoke, revulsion

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(part 122) (31 words)

rhapsodize, rhapsody, rhetoric, ribald, rickety, riddle, rider, rife, rift, rig, righteous, rightful, rigid, rigor, rile, rip, rivet, riveting, rivulet, robust, rococo, roil, rolling, romp, rooster, roseate, roster, rostrum, rote, rotund, rotunda

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(part 123) (31 words)

rotundity, rousing, rout, rubble, rubric, ruddy, rudimentary, rue, ruffian, rumble, ruminant, ruminate, rummage, run-down, runic, ruse, rustic, rusticate, rustle, ruthless, saboteur, saccharine, sacrilegious, sacrosanct, sadistic, saga, sagacious, sage, salacious, salient, saline

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(part 124) (31 words)

sallow, salubrious, salutary, salvage, sanctimonious, sanction, sanctuary, sanguinary, sanguine, sap, sarcasm, sardonic, sartorial, sate, satellite, satiate, satire, satirical, saturate, saturnine, satyr, saunter, savant, savor, savory, scabbard, scad, scaffold, scale, scanty, scapegoat

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(part 125) (31 words)

scavenge, scenario, schematic, scheme, schism, scholarly, scintilla, scintillate, scion, scoff, scorch, score, scotch, scourge, scowl, scrap, scrappy, scraps, screech, scrimmage, scruple, scrupulous, scrutinize, scuffle, scurrilous, scurry, scurvy, scuttle, seamy, sear, season

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(part 126) (31 words)

seasonable, seasonal, seasoned, secession, seclusion, secrete, sect, sectarian, secular, sedate, sedentary, sedition, seduce, sedulous, seedy, seemly, seep, seethe, seine, seismic, selective, self-indulgence, self-righteous, semblance, seminal, seminary, senility, sensitization, sensual, sensuous, sententious

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(part 127) (31 words)

sentient, sentimental, sentinel, septic, sepulcher, sequester, sere, serendipity, serenity, serpentine, serrated, servile, servitude, sever, severity, sextant, shack, shackle, shade, sham, shambles, Shangri-la, shard, shaving, sheaf, shear, sheathe, shed, sheer, sherbet, shift

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(part 128) (31 words)

shimmer, shirk, shoddy, shoot, shove, shrew, shrewd, shrivel, shudder, shuffle, shun, shunt, shyster, sibling, sibylline, sidereal, sidetrack, sift, significant, silt, simian, simile, simper, simplistic, simulate, sinecure, sinewy, singular, sinister, sinuous, siren

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(part 129) (31 words)

skeptic, skiff, skim, skimp, skinflint, skirmish, skittish, skulk, slack, slacken, slag, slake, slander, slap, slapdash, slaughter, slavish, sleazy, sledge, sleek, sleeper, sleigh, sleight, slew, slick, slight, slink, slipshod, slither, sloth, slough

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(part 130) (31 words)

slovenly, sluggard, sluggish, sluice, slur, sly, smart, smattering, smear, smelt, smirk, smolder, smother, smudge, smug, sneak, snicker, snip, snivel, snub, snuffle, soar, sober, sobriety, sodden, sojourn, solace, solder, solecism, solemnity, solicit

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(part 131) (31 words)

solicitor, solicitous, soliloquy, solitude, solstice, soluble, solvent, somatic, somber, somnambulist, somnolent, sonic, sonnet, sonorous, soothsayer, sophist, sophisticated, sophistry, sophomoric, soporific, sordid, sound, sour, sovereign, sovereignty, sow, spangle, spare, sparse, spartan, spasmodic

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(part 132) (31 words)

spat, spate, spatial, spatula, spawn, specious, speck, spectral, spectrum, speechless, spendthrift, spin, splice, spoilsport, spontaneity, spoof, spoonerism, sporadic, sportive, sprout, spruce, spry, spurious, spurn, squabble, squalor, squander, squash, squat, squeamish, squelch

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(part 133) (31 words)

staccato, stagnant, staid, stalemate, stalwart, stamina, stammer, stamp, stampede, stanch, standstill, stanza, start, stately, static, statute, statutory, steadfast, stealth, steep, stellar, stem, stench, stentorian, stereotype, sterile, stickler, stifle, stigma, stilted, stink

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(part 134) (31 words)

stint, stipend, stipple, stipulate, stock, stockade, stodgy, stoic, stoke, stolid, stoop, stout, straggle, strangle, stratagem, stratified, stratum, strew, striated, stricture, strident, stringent, strut, studied, studious, stultify, stumble, stump, stun, stupefy, stupor

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(part 135) (31 words)

sturdy, stygian, stymie, suavity, subaltern, subdue, subjective, subjugate, sublimate, sublime, subliminal, submerge, submissive, subordinate, suborn, subpoena, subsequent, subservient, subside, subsidiary, subsidy, subsistence, substantial, substantiate, substantive, subsume, subterfuge, subtlety, subversive, succor, succulent

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(part 136) (31 words)

succumb, suckle, suffocate, suffragist, suffuse, suitor, sullen, sully, sultry, summation, sumptuous, sunder, sundry, superannuated, supercilious, supererogatory, superficial, superfluous, superimpose, supernumerary, supersede, supine, supplant, supple, suppliant, supplicant, supplicate, supposition, supposititious, suppress, surfeit

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(part 137) (31 words)

surge, surly, surmise, surmount, surpass, surreptitious, surrogate, surveillance, susceptible, suspend, suspense, sustain, sustenance, suture, swagger, swamp, swarm, swarthy, swathe, sway, swear, swell, swelter, swerve, swill, swindler, swipe, sybarite, sycophant, syllogism, sylvan

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(part 138) (31 words)

symbiosis, symmetry, synchronous, synoptic, synthesis, synthetic, tablet, tacit, taciturn, tact, tactful, tactile, taint, takeoff, talisman, talon, tan, tangential, tangible, tanner, tantalize, tantamount, tantrum, taper, tarantula, tardy, tarnish, tarry, tart, tatter, taunt

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(part 139) (31 words)

taut, tautological, tawdry, tawny, taxonomist, tedium, teetotalism, temerity, temper, temperament, temperate, tempestuous, tempo, temporal, temporize, tenacious, tenacity, tenancy, tenant, tend, tendentious, tender, tenet, tensile, tension, tentative, tenuous, tenure, tepid, terminal, termination

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(part 140) (31 words)

terminology, terminus, terrestrial, terse, tertiary, tessellated, testator, testy, tether, thematic, theocracy, theoretical, therapeutic, thermal, thesis, thespian, thrall, thrash, threadbare, threat, thresh, thrifty, thrive, throb, throes, throng, throttle, thwart, tickle, tightwad, tiller

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(part 141) (31 words)

timbre, timidity, timorous, tinge, tint, tipple, tirade, titanic, tithe, titillate, title, titter, titular, toady, toga, token, toll, tome, tonsure, topography, topple, torpedo, torpor, torque, torrent, torrid, torso, tortuous, toss, totem, totter

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(part 142) (31 words)

touching, touchstone, touchy, tout, toxic, tract, tractable, traduce, trajectory, tramp, trample, trance, tranquillity, transcendent, transcendental, transcribe, transgression, transient, transition, transitory, translucent, transmute, transparent, transpire, transport, transpose, trappings, traumatic, travail, traverse, travesty

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(part 143) (31 words)

tread, treasure, treatise, trek, tremor, tremulous, trenchant, trepidation, tribulation, tribunal, tribune, tribute, trickle, trickster, trident, trifle, trifling, trigger, trilogy, trim, trinket, trite, trivia, troth, trough, truculence, truism, truncate, trunk, tryst, tumid

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(part 144) (31 words)

tumult, tundra, turbid, turbulence, tureen, turgid, turmoil, turncoat, turpitude, tutelage, tutelary, tycoon, typhoon, tyranny, tyro, ubiquitous, ulcer, ulterior, ultimate, ultimatum, umbrage, unaccountable, unanimity, unassailable, unassuaged, unassuming, unbridled, uncanny, unceremonious, unconscionable, uncouth

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(part 145) (31 words)

unction, unctuous, underlying, undermine, underscore, understate, undertaker, undulating, unearth, unearthly, unequivocal, unerringly, unexceptionable, unfaltering, unfeigned, unfetter, unfledged, unfrock, ungainly, unguent, uniformity, unilateral, unimpeachable, uninhibited, unique, unison, universal, unkempt, unmitigated, unobtrusive, unprecedented

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(part 146) (31 words)

unprepossessing, unravel, unregenerate, unrequited, unruly, unsavory, unscathed, unseemly, unsightly, unsullied, untenable, untoward, unwarranted, unwieldy, unwitting, unwonted, upbraid, upright, uproar, uproarious, upshot, urbane, urchin, urge, urgent, ursine, usage, usurp, usury, utopia, uxorious

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(part 147) (31 words)

vacillate, vacuous, vagabond, vagary, vagrant, vain, vainglorious, valediction, valedictory, valid, validate, valor, vampire, vanguard, vantage, vapid, vaporize, variegate, variegated, varnish, vassal, vaunted, veer, vegetate, vehement, velocity, venal, vendetta, vendor, veneer, venerable

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(part 148) (31 words)

venerate, venial, venison, venom, vent, ventilate, ventral, ventriloquist, venture, venturesome, venue, veracious, veracity, verbalize, verbatim, verbiage, verbose, verdant, verdigris, verge, verisimilar, verisimilitude, veritable, verity, vernacular, vernal, versatile, vertebrate, vertex, vertigo, verve

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(part 149) (31 words)

vestige, veto, vex, viable, viand, vibrant, vicar, vicarious, vicissitude, victuals, vie, vigil, vigilant, vigilante, vignette, vigor, vile, vilify, vindicate, vindictive, vintner, violate, viper, virile, virtual, virtue, virtuoso, virulent, virus, visage, visceral

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(part 150) (31 words)

viscid, viscous, vise, vision, visionary, vital, vitiate, vitreous, vitriolic, vituperative, vivacious, vivid, vivisection, vixen, vociferous, vogue, volatile, volition, volley, voluble, voluminous, voluptuous, voodoo, voracious, vortex, vouch, vouchsafe, voyeur, vulgar, vulnerable, vulpine

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(part 151) (31 words)

vulture, vying, wade, waffle, waft, wag, wage, waggish, waif, waive, wake, wallow, wan, wanderlust, wane, wangle, wanton, warble, ward, warp, warrant, warranted, warranty, warren, wary, wastrel, waver, wax, waylay, wean, weary

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(part 152) (31 words)

weather, weird, well-bred, welt, welter, wheedle, whelp, whet, whiff, whim, whimsical, whimsy, whine, whinny, whit, whittle, wholesome, whorl, wiggle, willful, willowy, wilt, wily, wince, windfall, winnow, winsome, wisp, wispy, wistful, withdrawn

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(part 153) (31 words)

wither, withhold, withstand, witless, witticism, wizardry, wizened, woe, woeful, wont, worldly, wrangle, wrath, wreak, wrench, wrest, wretch, wring, wrinkle, writ, writhe, wrongheaded, wry, xenophobia, yen, yeoman, yield, yoke, yokel, yore, zany

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(part 154) (11 words)

zeal, zealot, zenith, zephyr, zest, accouter, archeology, exorcize, tranquility, licence, improvize