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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

Plural of diagnosis: the process of discovering exactly what is wrong with someone or something, by examining them closely.

Watch out! You may see this word with another pronunciation and its meaning is then different.
Used as a noun, listen here, it means: Plural of diagnosis: the process of discovering exactly what is wrong with someone or something, by examining them closely. Used as a verb, listen here, it means: Third person singular of diagnose: to find out what illness someone has, or what the cause of a fault is, after doing tests, examinations, etc.

Usage examples (35)
  • When all the tests results were in, it turned out the doctor had made three diagnoses.
  • (Now that mammography is routine, the rate of increase in diagnoses has slowed.)
  • Agree with Apperception: just how much variation there are in diagnoses in these comments is pretty surprising.
  • The increase in diagnoses, already a cause for concern, accelerated in the 1980s, growing by a rate of four percent a year. for more
Tutoring comment
  • The patient was relieved to get a "diagnosis" (an evaluation of a physical condition) of indigestion instead of other more dangerous "diagnoses" (plural of diagnosis).
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