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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

n. - A living organism characterized by voluntary movement; All the animal life in a particular region or period.

Usage examples (38)
  • The fauna of China
  • To be noted among the fauna is the endemic venado de páramo (Mazana americana carrikeri), and the león colorado (Felis concolor bangsi).
  • The list of endangered or near extinct fauna is extensive.
  • The fauna is consistent with that sort of environment as well. for more
Tutoring comment
  • The student botanist will not learn much about the local "fauna" (animals, as distinguished from plant life) unless he is also a "fawner" (one who fawns, a sycophant or toady) to the owner of the property.
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The Open Dictionary of English is a collaborative project, based on Open Source materials, LearnThat resources, and partner APIs.
We give special thanks to our LearnThat volunteers, as well as Princeton University and Wiktionary for their Open Source word data. We're also grateful for the support given by Google,,, and YouTube,,,,, as well as the generous Creative Commons community.