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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

n. - Device that removes something from whatever passes through it; An electrical device that alters the frequency spectrum of signals passing through it.

Usage examples (32)
  • filter out the impurities
  • They want to get through what they call the filter, and the filter is us.
  • The president spoke last week of what he calls the filter of the national news media.
  • I need a more functional bottle and a filter is a good addition to any daily water bottle. for more
Tutoring comment
  • The wizard told the gnome to "filter" (to strain out impurities) juice from a magical fruit to make a "philter" (a magic potion, a love charm) that would turn him into a handsome prince.
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The Open Dictionary of English is a collaborative project, based on Open Source materials, LearnThat resources, and partner APIs.
We give special thanks to our LearnThat volunteers, as well as Princeton University and Wiktionary for their Open Source word data. We're also grateful for the support given by Google,,, and YouTube,,,,, as well as the generous Creative Commons community.