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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

to influence someone towards a particular action or opinion

Watch out! You may see this word with another pronunciation and its meaning is then different.
Used as a verb, listen here, it means: to influence someone towards a particular action or opinion. Used as a noun, listen here, it means: An elevated geological formation; a slope; a slant.

Usage examples (35)
  • ...a sense of entitlement that may incline some young people more toward the good life than toward the hard work that, for most of us, makes the good life possible.
  • Verb (used with object) : We incline to rest and relaxation these days. ,The flowers incline toward blue. ,a political philosophy that inclines...
  • Verb (used with object) : His attitude did not incline me to help him. ,He inclined his head in greeting
  • The adminstration says the "incline is not as steep", that's because employment and the economy are on the DECLINE. for more
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