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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

n. - A shrine where a certain god is consulted; A prophecy (usually obscure or allegorical) revealed by a priest or priestess; An authoritative person who divines the future.

Usage examples (37)
  • The name oracle was also applied to the place where such answers were received.
  • Otters and the Coons and the Muskrats saw them coming, they gave a great shout, for Grandfather Frog is sometimes called the oracle of the
  • The so-called oracle of Omaha sees an alarming future.
  • Photo in Slideshow: Germany's so-called oracle octopus for more
Tutoring comment
  • An "oracle" claims to tell you the future, but it takes a doctor to see the "auricles" (outer ear or atrium of the heart) in your body.
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The Open Dictionary of English is a collaborative project, based on Open Source materials, LearnThat resources, and partner APIs.
We give special thanks to our LearnThat volunteers, as well as Princeton University and Wiktionary for their Open Source word data. We're also grateful for the support given by Google,,, and YouTube,,,,, as well as the generous Creative Commons community.