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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

To hasten the occurrence of; Bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly; Also To force someone or something into a particular state or condition; To separate a solid substance from a liquid by chemical action.

Watch out! You may see this word with another pronunciation and its meaning is then different.
Used as a verb, listen here, it means: To hasten the occurrence of; Bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly; Also To force someone or something into a particular state or condition; To separate a solid substance from a liquid by chemical action. Used as an adjective, listen here, it means: Headlong: Rushing headlong or rapidly onward; Proceeding rapidly or with great haste.

Usage examples (34)
  • The tense exchange between leaders may have precipitated the start of this war.
  • Verb (used with object) : to precipitate an international crisis. ,He precipitated himself into the struggle
  • Adjective : a precipitate fall down the stairs. ,a precipitate retreat. ,a precipitate stop; a precipitate decision. ,a...
  • The precipitate is dried in vacuo to remove all trace of the alcohol. for more
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