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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

n. - Fearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities; Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions.

Usage examples (33)
  • Stewart repeatedly contrasted the Obama's heady campaign trail rhetoric, of hope, change and audacity, with what he called the timidity of his legislative programme.
  • I had been a great favorite with this teacher, but she was so disgusted with my stupidity, as she called my timidity, that she said:
  • What she called timidity, and what I am sure she longed to call stupidity, was the silence of overawed admiration, or mixed curiosity and discretion.
  • He seems to have fallen into the same deep despondency as his brethren, and to be shrinking with nervous timidity from a difficult, if not desperate, cause. for more
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