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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

adj. - Of, relating to, or being a test of reading comprehension that involves having the person being tested supply words which have been systematically deleted from a text.

Usage examples (37)
  • Nawt bery eggsitin but nawt bahd an cloze tew hoam
  • Conga Rats tew herz, an tew U fer gettin dis cloze.
  • No, no, no wuz posed tu bee : P but cloze tugedder.
  • Icepax outside of cloze help insishunz feel better. for more
Tutoring comment
  • To "close" is to end an activity, "clothes" are garments, "cloths" are materials made by weaving, while "cloze" pertains to a test of reading comprehension which requires the testee to fill in the deleted words in a written text.
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The Open Dictionary of English is a collaborative project, based on Open Source materials, LearnThat resources, and partner APIs.
We give special thanks to our LearnThat volunteers, as well as Princeton University and Wiktionary for their Open Source word data. We're also grateful for the support given by Google,,, and YouTube,,,,, as well as the generous Creative Commons community.