Open Dictionary
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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

Wood treated with resins to increase strength and resistance to moisture and decay.

Usage examples (12)
  • Yet even now, in the shadow of an obstacle that loomed as impreg-nable as anything he had ever faced, he hadn't consid-ered turning away.
  • "All the more reason then for making this wall impreg -- all fat and thick and solid," he concluded, unable to manage the longer word.
  • It might happen that the nitrous particles, with which the air was impreg - nated, increafed the fermentation of the blood, and ren - dered the contagion more quick and...
  • They do not by any means seem to come, as has been maintained, from the mere percolation of water through slates impreg - nated with iron, which is dissolved and carried... for more
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The Open Dictionary of English is a collaborative project, based on Open Source materials, LearnThat resources, and partner APIs.
We give special thanks to our LearnThat volunteers, as well as Princeton University and Wiktionary for their Open Source word data. We're also grateful for the support given by Google,,, and YouTube,,,,, as well as the generous Creative Commons community.