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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

n. - Temporary outgrowth used by some microorganisms as an organ of feeding or locomotion.

Usage examples (12)
  • There is no distinct seta, but the capsule is raised on a leafless outgrowth of the end of the branch called a pseudopodium (C, qs).
  • B. Longitudinal section of the sporogonium borne on the pseudopodium (ps);
  • Ray Davis at pseudopodium likened them to elaborations of Wes Craven's early movies and other like-minded 70s flicks, and I think he's about right.
  • If one watches an amoeba under the microscope he may see it move about the field, creeping along the surface of the glass plate; throwing out a pseudopodium here;... for more
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