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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

n. - European woody plant having pink flowers and unifoliate leaves and long tough roots; Eurasian plant having loose racemes of pink or purple flowers and spiny stems and tough roots.

Usage examples (7)
  • These are home to wildflowers such as wild thyme, ladies bedstraw, restharrow, birdsfoot trefoil and harebell.
  • In this context, Mabey's weeds - spiny restharrow, pellitory-of-the-wall or Martin's ramping fumitory - are playing a typically ambivalent role.
  • There are anthills, rushes, and other indications of not too rich a soil in this meadow, and in places the prickly restharrow grows among the grass, bearing its pink...
  • Thus, two or three southern types of clover are peculiar to the Lizard Point, in Cornwall; a little Spanish and Italian restharrow has got stranded in the Channel... for more
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