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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

n. - A musical note having the longest time value (equal to four beats in common time).

Usage examples (13)
  • The quotient will be 12 francs for each bar, or the proportions will be as follows: -- For a semibreve, 12f.; a minim
  • Consecutives on successive semibreve beats are broken by the intervention of a minim if it is a harmony note, but not if it is a passing discord.
  • 'I am the breve, Carlo here is the semibreve, he is the crotchet, he is the quaver, and that lad in the sea is a semiquaver, and little Piero here is a demi-semiquaver.
  • A native harpist adds the music of his many strings; and not bad music either, though he does not know a quaver from a semibreve, and his harp is of his own manufacture. for more
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