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Synonyms for Dig (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (the site of an archeological exploration):
excavation, archeological site

WordNet sense 2 (an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect):
barb, gibe, jibe, shaft, shot, slam

WordNet sense 3 (work hard):
drudge, grind, labor, moil, toil, travail, labour

WordNet sense 4 (create by digging):
dig out

WordNet sense 5 (remove the inner part or the core of):
excavate, hollow

WordNet sense 6 (turn up, loosen, or remove earth):
delve, turn over, cut into

WordNet sense 7 (poke or thrust abruptly):
jab, poke, prod, stab

WordNet sense 8 (the act of digging):

WordNet sense 9 (get the meaning of something):
apprehend, compass, comprehend, grasp, savvy, grok, get the picture

From the ODE community, based on WordNetadd/edit