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Synonyms for Dingy (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 ((of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear):
muddy, muddied

WordNet sense 2 (combined with extraneous elements):

WordNet sense 3 (thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot):
grimy, grubby, grungy, raunchy, begrimed

WordNet sense 4 (soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime):
dirty, unclean, soiled

WordNet sense 5 (causing dejection):
blue, dark, depressing, disconsolate, dismal, drab, drear, dreary, gloomy, grim, sorry, dispiriting

WordNet sense 6 (lacking cheer; depressing):
cheerless, uncheerful

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