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Synonyms for Drag (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (the phenomenon of resistance to motion through a fluid):
retarding force

WordNet sense 2 (force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action):
embroil, sweep, tangle, drag in, sweep up

WordNet sense 3 (to lag or linger behind):
trail, drop behind, get behind, hang back

WordNet sense 4 (walk without lifting the feet):

WordNet sense 5 (draw slowly or heavily):
cart, hale, haul

WordNet sense 6 (search (as the bottom of a body of water) for something valuable or lost):

WordNet sense 7 (suck in or take (air)):
draw, puff

WordNet sense 8 (a slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke)):

WordNet sense 9 (proceed for an extended period of time):
drag on, drag out

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