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Synonyms for Equal (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (a person who is of equal standing with another in a group):
compeer, match, peer, peer

WordNet sense 2 (be identical or equivalent to):

WordNet sense 3 (be equal to in quality or ability):
rival, touch

WordNet sense 4 (equal in amount or value):
like, same

WordNet sense 5 (of the score in a contest):
even, level

WordNet sense 6 (of equal importance, rank, or degree):
coordinate, coordinate

WordNet sense 7 (having the same standing before the law):

WordNet sense 8 (total debits and credits are equal):

WordNet sense 9 (being essentially equal to something):
equivalent, tantamount

WordNet sense 10 (make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching):
equalize, equate, equalise

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