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Synonyms for Evil (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice):

WordNet sense 2 (having the nature of vice):

WordNet sense 3 (morally bad in principle or practice):
wicked, wicked

WordNet sense 4 (morally reprehensible):
ugly, vile

WordNet sense 5 (stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable):

WordNet sense 6 (characterized by wickedness or immorality):

WordNet sense 7 (shockingly brutal or cruel):
atrocious, heinous

WordNet sense 8 (morally objectionable behavior):
immorality, iniquity, wickedness

WordNet sense 9 (tending to cause great harm):
harmful, injurious

WordNet sense 10 (evil or harmful in nature or influence):

WordNet sense 11 (having or exerting a malignant influence):
malefic, malevolent

WordNet sense 12 (harmful or evil in intent or effect):
maleficent, maleficent

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