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Synonyms for Fat (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs):
adipose tissue, fatty tissue

WordNet sense 2 (excess bodily weight):
avoirdupois, blubber, fatness

WordNet sense 3 (not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions):

WordNet sense 4 (lucrative):

WordNet sense 5 (yielding material gain or profit):

WordNet sense 6 (make fat or plump):
fatten, plump out, fill out, fatten out, fatten up, flesh out

WordNet sense 7 (marked by great fruitfulness):
fertile, productive, rich

WordNet sense 8 (productive or conducive to producing in abundance):

WordNet sense 9 (containing an unusual amount of grease or oil):
greasy, oily, sebaceous

WordNet sense 10 (containing or composed of fat):

WordNet sense 11 (euphemisms for `fat'):
portly, stout

WordNet sense 12 (repellently fat):

WordNet sense 13 (usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it):
fleshy, heavy, overweight

WordNet sense 14 (short and plump):
pudgy, tubby

WordNet sense 15 (excessively fat):
corpulent, obese, rotund

WordNet sense 16 (heavy and compact in form or stature):

WordNet sense 17 (euphemisms for slightly fat):
chubby, plump

WordNet sense 18 (having a large belly):

WordNet sense 19 (a chubby body):

WordNet sense 20 (having a squat and fleshy build):
endomorphic, pyknic

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