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Synonyms for Grip (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)):
traction, adhesive friction

WordNet sense 2 (a firm controlling influence):

WordNet sense 3 (the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it):
handle, hold, handgrip

WordNet sense 4 (a flat wire hairpin whose prongs press tightly together; used to hold bobbed hair in place):
hairgrip, bobby pin

WordNet sense 5 (a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes):
bag, suitcase, traveling bag

WordNet sense 6 (to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe):
fascinate, spellbind, transfix

WordNet sense 7 (to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match):

WordNet sense 8 (the act of grasping):
clasp, clench, clutch, clutches

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