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Synonyms for Gross (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (the entire amount of income before any deductions are made):
receipts, revenue

WordNet sense 2 (including everything):
total, whole

WordNet sense 3 (without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers):
arrant, complete, consummate, everlasting, perfect, pure, stark, thoroughgoing, unadulterated, utter, double-dyed, sodding, staring, consummate, perfect

WordNet sense 4 (not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier):

WordNet sense 5 (visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features)):

WordNet sense 6 (large enough to be visible to the naked eye):
macroscopic, macroscopical

WordNet sense 7 (applying to all or most members of a category or group):

WordNet sense 8 (repellently fat):

WordNet sense 9 (having much flesh (especially fat)):

WordNet sense 10 (conspicuously and tastelessly indecent):
coarse, crude, earthy, vulgar

WordNet sense 11 (conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible):
crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, rank

WordNet sense 12 (obvious to the eye or mind):

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