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Synonyms for Hit (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 ((physics) an brief event in which two or more bodies come together):

WordNet sense 2 (kill intentionally and with premeditation):
dispatch, murder, off, remove, slay, polish off, bump off

WordNet sense 3 (encounter by chance):

WordNet sense 4 (cause to experience suddenly):
strike, come to

WordNet sense 5 (reach a destination, either real or abstract):
attain, gain, make, reach, arrive at

WordNet sense 6 (hit against; come into sudden contact with):
run into, collide with, impinge on

WordNet sense 7 (hit with a missile from a weapon):
pip, shoot

WordNet sense 8 (gain points in a game):
score, tally, rack up

WordNet sense 9 (the act of contacting one thing with another):
striking, hitting

WordNet sense 10 (a conspicuous success):
bang, smash, smasher

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