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Synonyms for Appropriate (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (take possession of by force, as after an invasion):
capture, conquer, seize

WordNet sense 2 (meeting adequate standards for a purpose):

WordNet sense 3 (appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairness):

WordNet sense 4 (serving to promote your interest):

WordNet sense 5 (give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause):
allow, earmark, reserve, reserve

WordNet sense 6 (suitable and fitting):

WordNet sense 7 (corresponding in character or kind):
congruent, congruous

WordNet sense 8 (being of striking appropriateness and pertinence):
apposite, apt, pertinent

WordNet sense 9 (of an appropriate or pertinent nature):

WordNet sense 10 (appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs):
proper, right, suitable, suited

WordNet sense 11 (exactly suited to the occasion):

WordNet sense 12 (appropriate to):

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