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Synonyms for Interior (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (the United States federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resources; created in 1849):
DoI, Department of the Interior, Interior Department

WordNet sense 2 (inside the country):
home, national

WordNet sense 3 (of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation):

WordNet sense 4 (being or applying to the inside of a building):

WordNet sense 5 (relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts):

WordNet sense 6 (happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface):

WordNet sense 7 (located inward):

WordNet sense 8 (of or coming from the middle of a region or country):
midland, upcountry

WordNet sense 9 (situated away from an area's coast or border):

From the ODE community, based on WordNetadd/edit