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Synonyms for Jack (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (a small worthless amount):
shit, squat, diddley, diddly, diddlyshit, diddly-shit, diddlysquat, diddly-squat, doodly-squat

WordNet sense 2 (a man who serves as a sailor):
gob, mariner, seafarer, seaman, tar, Jack-tar, old salt, sea dog

WordNet sense 3 (someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor):
laborer, labourer, manual laborer

WordNet sense 4 (immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit; it contains an edible pulp and nutritious seeds that are commonly roasted):
jackfruit, jak

WordNet sense 5 (game equipment consisting of one of several small six-pointed metal pieces that are picked up while bouncing a ball in the game of jacks):

WordNet sense 6 (one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince):

WordNet sense 7 (male donkey):

WordNet sense 8 (lift with a special device):
jack up

WordNet sense 9 (hunt with a jacklight):

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