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Synonyms for Lean (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical):
inclination, leaning, list, tilt

WordNet sense 2 (have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined):
incline, run, tend, incline, be given

WordNet sense 3 (containing little excess):

WordNet sense 4 (of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement):
deficient, insufficient

WordNet sense 5 (to incline or bend from a vertical position):
angle, slant, tip

WordNet sense 6 (producing little or no profit or gain):

WordNet sense 7 (thin and fit):

WordNet sense 8 (being of delicate or slender build):
slender, slight, slim, svelte

WordNet sense 9 (being very thin):
scrawny, skinny

WordNet sense 10 (long and lean):

WordNet sense 11 (tall and thin):

WordNet sense 12 (very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold):
emaciated, gaunt, haggard, wasted

WordNet sense 13 (lacking excess flesh):

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