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Synonyms for Left-handed (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (preferring to use left foot or hand or eye):

WordNet sense 2 (of marriages and offspring; not recognized as lawful):

WordNet sense 3 ((of marriages) of a marriage between one of royal or noble birth and one of lower rank; valid but with the understanding that the rank of the inferior remains unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or property of the superior):

WordNet sense 4 (of marriages and offspring; recognized as lawful):
legitimate, legitimate

WordNet sense 5 (rotating to the left):
levorotary, levorotatory

WordNet sense 6 (in the direction opposite to the rotation of the hands of a clock):
anticlockwise, contraclockwise

WordNet sense 7 (having more than one possible meaning):

WordNet sense 8 (lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands):
bumbling, bungling, butterfingered, ham-fisted, ham-handed, heavy-handed, handless

WordNet sense 9 (not adroit):

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