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Synonyms for Loop (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 ((computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated):

WordNet sense 2 (the topology of a network whose components are serially connected in such a way that the last component is connected to the first component):
loop topology

WordNet sense 3 (fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords or lines):
eyelet, grommet, grummet, cringle

WordNet sense 4 (a complete electrical circuit around which current flows or a signal circulates):
closed circuit

WordNet sense 5 (make a loop in):

WordNet sense 6 (wind around something in coils or loops):
coil, curl

WordNet sense 7 (a flight maneuver; aircraft flies a complete circle in the vertical plane):

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