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Synonyms for Nip (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (a small drink of liquor):

WordNet sense 2 (the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth):
flavor, relish, savor, smack, tang, flavour, sapidity, savour, tang

WordNet sense 3 (the property of being moderately cold):
chilliness, coolness

WordNet sense 4 (a tart spicy quality):
piquancy, zest, piquance, tanginess, piquantness

WordNet sense 5 (squeeze tightly between the fingers):
pinch, squeeze, tweet, twinge, twitch

WordNet sense 6 (sever or remove by pinching or snipping):
clip, snip, nip off, snip off

From the ODE community, based on WordNetadd/edit