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Synonyms for Partial (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (the derivative of a function of two or more variables with respect to a single variable while the other variables are considered to be constant):
partial derivative

WordNet sense 2 (a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency):
overtone, partial tone

WordNet sense 3 (favoring one person or side over another):
biased, one-sided

WordNet sense 4 (showing favoritism):

WordNet sense 5 ((followed by `of' or `to') having a strong preference or liking for):

WordNet sense 6 ((often followed by `to') having a preference, disposition, or tendency):

WordNet sense 7 (not complete or total; not completed):
incomplete, uncomplete

From the ODE community, based on WordNetadd/edit