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Synonyms for Bare (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (just barely adequate or within a lower limit):

WordNet sense 2 (not having a protective covering):

WordNet sense 3 (apart from anything else; without additions or modifications):
mere, simple

WordNet sense 4 (not elaborate or elaborated; simple):

WordNet sense 5 (lacking a surface finish such as paint):

WordNet sense 6 (not having a coat of paint or badly in need of a fresh coat):

WordNet sense 7 (without the natural or usual covering):
bald, denudate

WordNet sense 8 (providing no shelter or sustenance):
barren, bleak, desolate, stark, desolate

WordNet sense 9 (unfavorable to life or growth):

WordNet sense 10 (having everything extraneous removed including contents):

WordNet sense 11 (holding or containing nothing):

WordNet sense 12 (make public):
air, publicize, publicise

WordNet sense 13 (lay bare):
denude, strip

WordNet sense 14 (lacking in amplitude or quantity):
scanty, spare

WordNet sense 15 (deficient in amount or quality or extent):
meager, meagerly, stingy, scrimpy, stingy

WordNet sense 16 (lacking embellishment or ornamentation):
unembellished, unornamented

WordNet sense 17 (not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction):
unadorned, undecorated

From the ODE community, based on WordNetadd/edit