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Synonyms for Real (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (any rational or irrational number):
real number

WordNet sense 2 (being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something):
genuine, literal

WordNet sense 3 (consistent with fact or reality; not false):

WordNet sense 4 ((of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value ):

WordNet sense 5 (concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities):

WordNet sense 6 (coinciding with reality):

WordNet sense 7 (existing in act or fact):
actual, factual

WordNet sense 8 (being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory):

WordNet sense 9 (having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary):
material, substantial

WordNet sense 10 (used as intensifiers; `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'; `rattling' is informal):
rattling, really, very

WordNet sense 11 (capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary):

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