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Synonyms for Sick (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (mildly physically distressed):
upset, upset

WordNet sense 2 (feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit):
nauseated, nauseous, queasy, sickish

WordNet sense 3 (looking pale and unhealthy):

WordNet sense 4 (experiencing odd bodily sensations):

WordNet sense 5 (experiencing delirium):

WordNet sense 6 (experiencing motion sickness):

WordNet sense 7 (somewhat ill or prone to illness):
ailing, indisposed, poorly, sickly, unwell

WordNet sense 8 (affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function):

WordNet sense 9 ((of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble):
pale, pallid, wan

WordNet sense 10 (having little physical or spiritual strength):

WordNet sense 11 (affected with madness or insanity):
crazy, demented, distracted, disturbed, mad, unbalanced, unhinged, brainsick

WordNet sense 12 (afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement):

WordNet sense 13 (having a strong distaste from surfeit):

WordNet sense 14 (not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure):

WordNet sense 15 (being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion):
affected, touched, moved, stirred

WordNet sense 16 (shockingly repellent; inspiring horror):
ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome, macabre

WordNet sense 17 (causing alarm or fear):

WordNet sense 18 (eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth):
barf, cast, cat, chuck, disgorge, honk, puke, purge, regurgitate, retch, spew, upchuck, vomit, regorge, spue, be sick, throw up, vomit up

From the ODE community, based on WordNetadd/edit