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Synonyms for Sound (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water):

WordNet sense 2 ((phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language):
phone, speech sound

WordNet sense 3 (the audible part of a transmitted signal):

WordNet sense 4 (the subjective sensation of hearing something):
auditory sensation

WordNet sense 5 (logically valid):
reasoned, well-grounded

WordNet sense 6 (having legal efficacy or force):
effectual, legal

WordNet sense 7 (well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force):

WordNet sense 8 (of good quality and condition; solidly built):
solid, strong, substantial

WordNet sense 9 (firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation):

WordNet sense 10 (financially secure and functioning well):

WordNet sense 11 (financially sound):
dependable, good, safe, secure

WordNet sense 12 (make a certain noise or sound):

WordNet sense 13 (characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice):

WordNet sense 14 (exercising or showing good judgment):
intelligent, levelheaded, level-headed

WordNet sense 15 (showing reason or sound judgment):

WordNet sense 16 (utter with vibrating vocal chords):
vocalize, voice, vocalise

WordNet sense 17 ((of sleep) deep and complete):
heavy, profound, wakeless

WordNet sense 18 (relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply):

WordNet sense 19 (having every necessary or normal part or component or step):

WordNet sense 20 (measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line):

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