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Synonyms for Squeeze (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (a state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high):
credit crunch, liquidity crisis

WordNet sense 2 (a twisting squeeze):

WordNet sense 3 (to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :):
coerce, force, hale, pressure

WordNet sense 4 (obtain by coercion or intimidation):
extort, gouge, rack

WordNet sense 5 (press or force):
shove, stuff, thrust

WordNet sense 6 (to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition):
crush, mash, squash, squelch

WordNet sense 7 (squeeze like a wedge into a tight space):

WordNet sense 8 (squeeze tightly between the fingers):
pinch, tweet, twinge, twitch

WordNet sense 9 (squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness):
bosom, embrace, hug

WordNet sense 10 (squeeze or press together):
compact, compress, constrict, contract, press, compact, compress, contract

WordNet sense 11 (an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power):
power play, squeeze play

WordNet sense 12 (a tight or amorous embrace):

WordNet sense 13 (the act of gripping and pressing firmly):

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