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Synonyms for Stay (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (the state of inactivity following an interruption):
arrest, check, halt, hitch, stop, stoppage

WordNet sense 2 (stay behind):
persist, remain

WordNet sense 3 (continue in a place, position, or situation):
continue, stay on

WordNet sense 4 (dwell):
abide, bide

WordNet sense 5 (hang on during a trial of endurance):
outride, last out, ride out

WordNet sense 6 (stay put (in a certain place)):
stick, stick around, stay put

WordNet sense 7 (overcome or allay):
appease, quell

WordNet sense 8 (stop or halt):
delay, detain

WordNet sense 9 (stay the same; remain in a certain state):

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