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Synonyms for Stick (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (informal terms of the leg):
peg, pin

WordNet sense 2 (a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane):
joystick, control stick

WordNet sense 3 (marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking):
joint, reefer, spliff, marijuana cigarette

WordNet sense 4 (be a devoted follower or supporter):

WordNet sense 5 (be loyal to):
stand by, stick by

WordNet sense 6 (stay put (in a certain place)):
stay, stick around, stay put

WordNet sense 7 (fix, force, or implant):
deposit, lodge, wedge

WordNet sense 8 (cause to protrude or as if to protrude):
put forward

WordNet sense 9 (stick to firmly):
bind, bond, stick to

WordNet sense 10 (come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation):
cleave, cling, cohere

WordNet sense 11 (saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous):

WordNet sense 12 (be a mystery or bewildering to):
amaze, baffle, beat, bewilder, dumbfound, flummox, get, gravel, mystify, nonplus, perplex, pose, puzzle, stupefy, vex

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