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Synonyms for Strength (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war):
posture, military capability, military posture, military strength

WordNet sense 2 (the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty):

WordNet sense 3 (an asset of special worth or utility):
forte, metier, speciality, specialty, forte, long suit, strong suit, strong point

WordNet sense 4 (the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation)):
intensity, intensity level

WordNet sense 5 (permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force):
durability, enduringness, lastingness

WordNet sense 6 (physical energy or intensity):
force, forcefulness

WordNet sense 7 (capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects):
effectiveness, potency

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