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Synonyms for Tonic (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (lime- or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine):
quinine water, tonic water

WordNet sense 2 (a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring):
pop, soda, soda water, soda pop

WordNet sense 3 ((music) the first note of a diatonic scale):

WordNet sense 4 (a medicine that strengthens and invigorates):

WordNet sense 5 (having tonality; i.e. tones and chords organized in relation to one tone such as a keynote or tonic):

WordNet sense 6 (used of syllables):

WordNet sense 7 (imparting vitality and energy):
bracing, brisk, fresh, refreshing, energising, energizing, refreshful

WordNet sense 8 (imparting strength and vitality):

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