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Synonyms for Touch (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (a slight attack of illness):

WordNet sense 2 (a slight but appreciable addition):
hint, jot, mite, pinch, soupcon, speck, tinge

WordNet sense 3 (the event of something coming in contact with the body):

WordNet sense 4 (a communicative interaction):
contact, contact

WordNet sense 5 (a suggestion of some quality):
ghost, trace

WordNet sense 6 (the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin):
feeling, tactual sensation, tactile sensation, touch sensation

WordNet sense 7 (the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands)):
cutaneous senses, sense of touch, skin senses, touch modality

WordNet sense 8 (a distinguishing style):

WordNet sense 9 (to extend as far as):
reach, extend to

WordNet sense 10 (have to do with or be relevant to):
concern, pertain, refer, relate, come to, touch on, bear on

WordNet sense 11 (be equal to in quality or ability):
equal, match, rival

WordNet sense 12 (affect emotionally):

WordNet sense 13 (tamper with):

WordNet sense 14 (be in direct physical contact with; make contact):
adjoin, meet

WordNet sense 15 (consume):

WordNet sense 16 (make a more or less disguised reference to):
advert, allude, advert

WordNet sense 17 (color lightly):
tint, tinct

WordNet sense 18 (have an effect upon):
affect, impact, affect, bear upon

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