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Synonyms for Buck (same or very similar meaning)

WordNet sense 1 (a piece of paper money worth one dollar):
clam, dollar, dollar bill, one dollar bill

WordNet sense 2 (United States author whose novels drew on her experiences as a missionary in China (1892-1973)):
Pearl Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker Buck

WordNet sense 3 (a gymnastic horse without pommels and with one end elongated; used lengthwise for vaulting):
vaulting horse, long horse

WordNet sense 4 (a framework for holding wood that is being sawed):
horse, sawbuck, sawhorse

WordNet sense 5 (resist):
go against

WordNet sense 6 (move quickly and violently):
charge, shoot, tear, tear

WordNet sense 7 (jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched):
hitch, jerk

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