Applied Writing for Technicians
List #: 1917
Keywords/tags: writing skills, composition, technicians, applied writing
Comments: English language, composition, writing skills for technicians.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc..
Author: Dale Jungk.
Subject: Englsih language and composition, applied writing.
Grade Level: 8.
Isbn: 0078283574.
Created: 12/30/2009
Modified: 12/30/2009
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(part 1) (30 words)
abbreviation, acronym, active voice, addendum, adjective, adverb, application, appositive, attachment, brand, capitalization, clause, close, closing, colon, common noun, communication, complement, complex sentence, compound sentence, concise, conjunction, connotation, contraction, conversational, cursor, dangling modifier, declarative, defense, demonstrative pronoun
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(part 2) (31 words)
dependent clause, direct object, direct quotation, document, draft, editing, editor, electronic mail, elliptic, emoticon, first person, flaming, font, form, future perfect tense, goodwill, heading, imperative mood, independent clause, indicative mood, indirect object, interjection, intransitive verb, itemized, jargon, letter, lowercase, memo, message, misled, misplaced modifier
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(part 3) (31 words)
modem, modifier, neutral, noun, paragraph, parallelism, part of speech, passive voice, past participle, perception, phrase, pompous, postscript, predicate, prefix, prepositional phrase, preposition, present participle, process, product, pronoun, proofread, proper noun, proposal, reader, redundancy, resources, revising, root, salutation, scan
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(part 4) (15 words)
sentence, shouting, simple sentence, snail mail, stylebook, subjunctive mood, subordinate conjunction, suffix, symbol, transitive verb, typo, verb, voice, World Wide Web, writing