1000 Most Important Words
List #: 2170
Keywords/tags: vocabulary, dictionary, learning english, writing reference, language,
Comments: Based on the contention that we do not utillize speech to its fullest extent, this guide is an essential aide to unlocking our \"passive\" vocabularies and developing a keener appreciation of the richness of language..
Publisher: Ballantine Books (July 12, 1982).
Author: Norman W. Schur.
Supporting Link: http://www.flashcardexchange.com/flashcards/view/636297.
Isbn: 9780345298638.
Created: 01/14/2010
Modified: 01/14/2010
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(part 1) (30 words)
abashed, abate, abdicate, aberrant, abominate, abrasive, abrogate, abstemious, abstinent, abstruse, accolade, acerbic, acme, acolyte, acquiesce, acrimonious, adage, admonitory, adroit, adulation, adversity, aegis, affable, aficionado, affinity, aggrandize, alacrity, allay, allegory, alleviate
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(part 2) (31 words)
alliteration, amanuensis, ambience, ambiguous, ambivalent, ambulatory, ameliorate, amenable, amenity, amorous, amorphous, anachronism, anagram, analogy, anathema, ancillary, animus, annals, anomaly, antecedents, anthropology, anthropomorphic, antic, antipathy, antiquity, antithesis, aphorism, aplomb, apocalypse, apocryphal, apogee
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(part 3) (31 words)
apostate, apposite, apprehend, appropriate, apt, arbiter, arcane, arch, arduous, argot, arid, Armageddon, arrant, arrogate, arsenal, artful, ascetic, asperity, aspersion, assiduous, assuage, atavistic, atrophy, attenuate, augment, augur, auspicious, autonomous, avuncular, awry, axiom
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(part 4) (31 words)
badinage, bailiwick, baleful, banal, bastion, bathos, behemoth, beleaguer, bellicose, belligerent, bemused, bibliophile, bibulous, blandishment, blatant, bovine, bravado, brickbat, bromide, brook, brouhaha, bucolic, burgeon, cabal, cachet, cacophony, cadaverous, cadge, cajole, callow, calumny
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(part 5) (31 words)
canard, candor, canon, cant, cantankerous, capitulate, capricious, captious, carnal, carnivorous, carp, carrion, castigate, casuistry, cataclysm, catharsis, catholic, caveat, cavil, celibacy, champion, charlatan, chary, chasm, chicanery, chide, chimera, churlish, cipher, circuitous, circumlocution
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(part 6) (31 words)
circumspect, clamorous, clandestine, claptrap, clemency, cloy, cogent, cognizant, collation, colloquy, compendium, complacent, complaisant, complement, compliant, concomitant, concrete, conduit, congenital, consensus, consortium, consummate, contentious, context, contiguous, contretemps, contrite, contumacious, conundrum, co-opt, copious
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(part 7) (31 words)
corollary, corporeal, correlate, coruscate, cosset, coterie, craven, craw, credible, creditable, credulous, crestfallen, culpable, curmudgeon, cursory, curt, cynosure, dalliance, daub, dauntless, dearth, debacle, debase, debilitate, debunk, decimate, declasse, decorous, decorum, decry, deduce
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(part 8) (31 words)
deem, deferential, definitive, delectation, deleterious, demonic, denigrate, denizen, deprecate, deracinate, derelict, deride, derisive, derogatory, descry, desecrate, desuetude, desultory, detrimental, detritus, dexterous, dextrous, diaphanous, diatribe, dichotomy, didactic, diffident, digress, dilettante, diminution, disaffection
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(part 9) (31 words)
disconsolate, discursive, disdain, disingenuous, disparate, dissemble, dissertation, dissimulate, dissolute, distraught, doff, dogged, doggerel, dogmatic, doleful, dolt, don, dormant, dossier, doughty, dour, doyen, draconian, droll, dudgeon, duplicity, ebullient, eclectic, effective, effectual, efficacious
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(part 10) (31 words)
efficient, efflorescence, effrontery, effulgent, egregious, egress, elegy, elicit, elide, elucidate, emblazon, emend, emeritus, emote, empirical, emulate, encomium, endemic, enervate, enigmatic, enmity, ennui, entity, inure, envisage, ephemeral, epicure, epigram, epitaph, epitome, equable
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(part 11) (31 words)
equanimity, equitable, equivocal, errant, ersatz, erudite, eschew, esoteric, ethereal, etymology, eulogy, euphemism, euphonious, euphoric, exacerbate, excoriate, excrement, exculpate, execrable, exegesis, exemplary, exhort, exigency, exonerate, exorcise, expatiate, expiate, expostulate, expropriate, expunge, extempore
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(part 12) (31 words)
extenuate, extirpate, extrapolate, exuberant, facet, facile, facilitate, fallacious, fallow, falter, farrago, fatuous, feasible, feckless, fecund, feisty, felicity, felicitous, feral, ferret, festoon, fetid, foetid, fey, fiasco, fiat, figurative, finite, flaccid, flagellate, flamboyant
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(part 13) (31 words)
flatulent, flay, fledgling, flippant, flout, foible, foment, font, foray, force majeure, forensic, formidable, fortuitous, founder, fractious, fruition, fulminate, fulsome, furtive, fusillade, gadfly, garrulous, gauche, generic, genesis, gentry, germane, googol, gormandize, gossamer, grandiloquence
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(part 14) (31 words)
gratuitous, gratuity, gravamen, gregarious, habituate, hackneyed, halcyon, harbinger, harridan, hedonist, hegemony, hegira, heinous, herbivorous, hermaphrodite, heterogeneous, homogeneous, heuristic, hiatus, hie, homily, honorarium, hubris, hyperbole, hypothesis, iconoclast, idyllic, ignominy, illicit, illusory, imbibe
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(part 15) (31 words)
imbroglio, immemorial, immutable, impassive, impecunious, impede, imperious, imperturbable, implacable, implement, implicate, implicit, imponderable, importunate, importune, impugn, impute, inauspicious, incarnate, inchoate, inclement, incognito, incongruous, increment, incredulous, incubus, inculcate, incumbent, indecorous, indigenous, indigent
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(part 16) (31 words)
indolent, ineffable, ineluctable, ineptitude, ingenuous, innate, innocuous, innuendo, inordinate, inscrutable, insouciant, insular, intangible, integument, interdict, interlocutor, interpolate, intractable, intransigent, intrepid, intuit, inundate, invective, inviolable, inviolate, irascible, issue, iterate, jejune, jettison, jingoism
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(part 17) (31 words)
jocular, journeyman, juxtapose, karma, keen, ken, kinetic, kite, kitsch, knell, kowtow, kudos, lachrymose, laconic, lacuna, lagniappe, lambent, lament, languish, lascivious, lassitude, latent, laudatory, lax, lay, lethargic, leviathan, lexicon, licentious, limn, linchpin
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(part 18) (31 words)
limpid, lissome, lissom, litany, lithe, litigious, logy, loquacious, Lothario, lugubrious, lurid, macrocosm, microcosm, maladroit, malaise, malapropism, malfeasance, malign, malleable, martinet, masticate, matriculate, maw, mawkish, megalomania, mellifluous, mendacious, mendicant, mercurial, meretricious, messianic
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(part 19) (31 words)
metamorphosis, metaphor, metaphysics, mete, miasma, mien, militate, minutiae, misanthrope, misapprehension, misappropriate, miscreant, misnomer, misogyny, mitigate, mnemonic, modicum, molt, morass, mordant, moribund, motif, mottled, mulct, mundane, munificent, nadir, nascent, nebulous, nefarious, nemesis
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(part 20) (31 words)
neophyte, nether, niggardly, niggling, nihilism, nirvana, nomenclature, non sequitur, nostrum, noxious, nuance, nubile, nugatory, obdurate, obeisance, obfuscate, oblivion, obloquy, obscurantism, obsequies, obsequious, obstreperous, obtrude, obtrusive, obtuse, obviate, occlude, odious, offal, Olympian, ombudsman
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(part 21) (31 words)
omniscient, omnivorous, onerous, onomatopoetic, opprobrium, ordure, ostensible, ostentatious, ostracize, otiose, paean, palliative, pallid, palpable, panacea, panache, panegyric, panoply, pantheon, paradox, paragon, pariah, parlous, parochial, paroxysm, parsimonious, parvenu, pastiche, pastoral, patent, pathological
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(part 22) (31 words)
pathos, patrician, paucity, peccadillo, pecuniary, pedagogue, pedant, pedestrian, pejorative, penchant, penultimate, penurious, peregrination, peremptory, truism, truculent, trepidation, trenchant, tremulous, travesty, transcend, traduce, tortuous, torpid, toady, titular, timorous, testy, terse, tenuous, tenet
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(part 23) (31 words)
tendentious, temporal, temerity, tedious, tawdry, tautology, tangible, tangential, tactile, taciturn, tacit, synthesis, syntax, symbiosis, sylph, sycophant, sybarite, surreptitious, surmise, surfeit, supplicate, supine, sully, succumb, succulent, succubus, succor, sub rosa, sublimate, stultify, strident
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(part 24) (31 words)
stolid, squalid, spurious, sporadic, spleen, spate, soupcon, soporific, sophomore, sophism, sop, solipsism, soliloquy, zenith, zealot, yen, xenophobia, wry, wont, wizened, winsome, winnow, welter, waspish, wanton, wag, waft, votive, votary, voracious, voluble
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(part 25) (31 words)
vociferous, vituperative, vitriolic, visceral, visage, virulent, virtuoso, virago, vilify, vignette, vicissitude, vertigo, veritable, verisimilitude, veracious, venial, venerate, veneer, venal, vehement, variegated, vapid, vagary, vacuous, vacillate, uxorious, untrammeled, untenable, unsullied, unseemly, unpropitious
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(part 26) (31 words)
unmitigated, unflagging, unfathomable, unctuous, unconscionable, umbrage, ubiquitous, tyro, turgid, truncate, perfidious, perfunctory, peripatetic, peripheral, pernicious, peroration, perquisite, persiflage, persona, perspicacious, peruse, pervasive, petulant, philistine, phlegmatic, piquant, pithy, placate, placebo, placid, plaintive
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(part 27) (31 words)
plangent, platitude, plaudits, plethora, poignant, polemic, polyglot, ponderous, pontificate, portend, portmanteau, postulate, potpourri, potter, pragmatic, prate, prattle, precipitate, precipitous, precursor, predilection, preen, prehensile, presage, prescience, presentiment, prestidigitator, prevaricate, priapic, primogeniture, primordial
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(part 28) (31 words)
privation, privy, probity, proclivity, procreate, prodigal, prodigious, prodigy, profane, profligate, prognosis, prognosticate, proliferate, prolific, prolix, prone, propensity, prophylactic, propinquity, propitiate, propitious, proprietary, prosaic, proselytize, protean, protracted, proviso, prowess, prurient, puckish, puerile
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(part 29) (31 words)
pugnacious, pulchritude, pummel, punctilious, pundit, purgative, purloin, pusillanimous, putative, quaff, quagmire, quail, qualm, quandary, quarry, quash, quaver, quay, quell, querulous, query, queue, quiescent, quintessence, quixotic, quizzical, raconteur, raffish, rake, rambunctious, rancor
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(part 30) (31 words)
rankle, rapacious, rapt, recalcitrant, recant, recapitulate, recidivism, reclusive, recondite, reconnoiter, rectify, rectitude, redolent, redoubtable, redress, refractory, refulgent, regale, rejoinder, remand, remonstrate, renegade, renege, repartee, repertoire, repertory, replete, reprehensible, reprobate, reprove, resolute
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(part 31) (31 words)
reticent, retrograde, retrogress, retrospective, rhetoric, ribald, rife, riposte, risible, rubicund, rue, ruminate, sacrosanct, sagacity, salacious, salient, salubrious, salutary, salvo, sanctify, sang-froid, sanguine, sapient, sardonic, sartorial, saturnine, savoir-faire, savor, saw, scabrous, schism
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(part 32) (31 words)
scion, score, scourge, scurrilous, scuttle, seamy, secular, seminal, sententious, sentient, septic, sequel, sequester, serendipity, serpentine, servile, shibboleth, sibilant, simile, simulate, sinecure, sinuous, skeptic, sceptic, skittish, slake, slew, slue, smug, sobriquet, sodden