5th grade spelling words, spelling bee words, and vocabulary list
List #: 3067
Keywords/tags: Spelling Bee, 5th, Elementary school, 5th grade spelling words, vocabulary word list, spelling word list 5th grade, word list for fifth grade, words 5th graders should know, spelling bee words for 5th grade
Comments: The word list is roughly sorted by difficulty.
Description: This is a list of 1,550 words fifth grade students should know, including those that are hard to spell and typical spelling bee words for 5th grade. This fifth grade word list will prepare them for texts typically read during 5th grade..
Subject: English vocabulary and spelling, 5th grade.
Grade Level: 5, 5th grade, fifth grade.
Created: 03/10/2010
Modified: 11/12/2014
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(part 1) (30 words)
allowance, alphabetize, amendment, according, accordingly, affairs, abandon, abdomen, absorbent, accountant, abstract, accounting, ability, abode, absolute, absorbed, absentee, accomplished, advertising, advisable, accelerate, accepted, accord, adage, additional, additionally, accused, achieve, admiration, admission
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(part 2) (31 words)
affair, activity, actual, actually, adjourn, adjustment, advanced, advantage, adopt, adopted, adoptive, adorable, affected, affection, afford, agency, administrative, admirable, afar, against, agreeable, airborne, aisle, alas, alfalfa, align, ambition, ambulance, agony, ailing, alcoholic
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(part 3) (31 words)
baron, basic, basically, threaten, beacon, bearing, beautiful, beautifully, amid, anchor, ancient, applied, apply, appoint, appointed, appointee, appointment, ark, angel, announce, announcement, apiece, author, appeal, appealing, athletic, athletically, athletics, atlas, approach, appropriate
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(part 4) (31 words)
approve, apricot, architecture, argument, aromatic, arrive, article, artistic, artistically, assemble, assembly, awful, awfully, balanced, assign, assignment, assist, assortment, assumed, assuming, assure, assured, attachment, attain, astonish, astonished, authorize, attempt, attendance, attention, attentive
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(part 5) (31 words)
attractive, auction, auctioneer, audience, auntie, bail, barren, automatic, automobile, autumn, avail, avenger, aviator, avoid, avoidable, avoidance, awkwardly, awkwardness, bachelor, barter, balloon, bamboo, bathe, beggar, banquet, barely, bargain, beginning, belief, believable, beneath
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(part 6) (31 words)
bestow, bevy, bewitched, biblical, biceps, bicker, bicycle, biddable, cheerfully, cheerily, cheeriness, cedar, celebrate, celebrated, celebration, cellar, cheery, century, ceremony, certain, certainly, certified, championship, bifocals, bighearted, bigwig, bland, blandness, bikini, bile, billed
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(part 7) (31 words)
binoculars, bookkeeper, bookkeeping, blend, bliss, blizzard, bloomers, blossom, blunder, cartoon, cartoonist, caution, boaster, bored, bonus, booming, boor, boundary, bravery, brawl, breakthrough, breathe, breathing, busyness, carelessness, brief, briefly, budget, briskly, broadly, brutal
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(part 8) (31 words)
bulge, burden, bureaux, bury, bushy, business, calamity, calendar, calves, cancel, canned, capitol, civil, canoe, canvas, capable, cavern, casually, casualness, chatter, chocolate, choice, choir, capital, carbon, career, civic, cascade, cashier, casserole, catalog
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(part 9) (31 words)
catalogue, cater, cathedral, cease, challenged, challenging, channel, charity, chaser, engagement, engaging, engineer, firm, flaw, flawless, historian, historical, hasten, hatred, haunt, haunted, jumble, instinctive, instructor, instrument, intact, intentions, mechanic, microscopic, checkbook, chemically
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(part 10) (31 words)
chemistry, chiefly, chink, choose, circular, circulation, chronological, citizen, citizenship, cloudburst, clamor, clannish, classified, coconut, cocoon, Cologne, client, cling, college, clumsy, coarse, collaborative, collapse, colony, confusion, constant, constantly, combination, combined, connect, connected
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(part 11) (31 words)
construct, comfortable, comfortably, comic, Connecticut, connection, connections, convoy, commander, commando, commend, commerce, commit, composition, commonly, community, companion, compass, compelled, compensation, competently, competition, compliments, comprehend, conceal, concept, concern, concerned, concert, conclusion, condemn
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(part 12) (31 words)
conduct, conference, confession, conflict, congested, congruent, conqueror, considerable, considerably, considerate, considerately, consideration, considered, considering, cooperate, consistent, construction, constructive, cruel, cruelly, consume, continent, continental, contrary, contribute, convexly, conviction, convince, convinced, corrections, cooperation
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(part 13) (31 words)
corporation, correctness, coupon, cower, coy, crankshaft, creature, credit, credits, crescent, crevasse, custom, customer, customs, departmental, criminal, critical, declaration, crowded, crucially, cruise, cryptic, cultivate, curb, curious, currently, delicate, dally, dank, data, deafening
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(part 14) (31 words)
debt, democracy, democrat, democratic, demonstration, decided, decidedly, decrease, deduct, deduction, defect, defective, defense, dentist, deserve, deserving, despise, destination, diploma, denial, deny, departure, dependable, depot, dignity, derby, describe, destruction, description, deserted, design
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(part 15) (31 words)
difficult, difficulty, designs, desirable, destroy, detach, detector, develop, developed, development, diagonal, diameter, diamond, digest, disability, disagreeable, dimension, dimple, directions, directly, director, discontinue, discovery, document, discrimination, discuss, disease, disgrace, disposition, disguise, disgusted
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(part 16) (31 words)
disgusting, distribute, district, disturb, dramatic, disobey, dispatch, distress, dividend, divine, division, domestic, dose, doubt, doubtful, doubtless, douse, drawback, dreadfully, dreary, drench, elegant, elated, elderly, dying, earnestly, earnings, easily, eaves, echo, economic
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(part 17) (31 words)
editor, education, educational, effects, effort, effortlessly, enchant, enchanting, encircle, electric, electrical, enrich, elsewhere, elude, embarrass, eternity, embrace, emergency, emphasize, employ, employment, enable, enabling, exact, esophagus, evaluate, endure, enduring, energy, enforce, engaged
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(part 18) (31 words)
enlargement, equality, equally, equatorial, eternal, enterprise, entertaining, entertainment, entirely, entitle, entrance, entry, environmental, environmentalist, envy, equipment, erase, err, error, escaped, essay, estimated, favored, eyewitness, federal, federalist, feeble, evidence, evident, evidently, exactly
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(part 19) (31 words)
excitement, examination, exclaim, exclusive, examine, expectation, expedition, expenses, expensive, favorably, excepting, exception, exercise, existing, experience, experiment, explanation, exploration, expression, failure, faintly, faithfully, falsehood, farewell, fashion, fatal, fatigue, favorable, fearlessness, feat, feathery
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(part 20) (31 words)
features, fellowship, felony, ferocious, festival, frighten, frightened, finance, financing, firmly, fierce, fiercely, fierceness, fifteenth, filing, filthy, fingerprint, flawlessly, flexible, focus, flies, foamy, folly, forceful, forces, forcibly, forgiveness, formerly, formula, fortune, foul
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(part 21) (31 words)
fragrant, frail, frantic, gape, freight, frequent, frequently, fretwork, fury, fugitive, fumes, function, furious, furiously, furthermore, gallop, generation, generous, generously, gash, gaunt, gaze, gene, generousness, gentleman, genuine, geography, governmental, governor, governorship, geologist
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(part 22) (31 words)
ghost, giggle, glare, glee, glitter, gloomy, glossy, gracious, greatness, grid, grouch, gossip, groan, gradual, gradually, graduate, graduated, graffiti, grateful, graze, greasy, greedily, greediness, groceries, gross, guidance, hence, heretofore, hamlet, handful, hedge
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(part 23) (31 words)
happening, happily, happiness, hardness, harmony, headache, hearty, hectic, height, hemisphere, hiss, honorable, hesitate, hither, hitherto, hoist, impression, humiliated, homogenize, honestly, honesty, idol, horizontal, horrible, horribly, horror, hound, how's, hull, humanities, humanity
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(part 24) (31 words)
humiliation, humor, humorously, hump, hungrily, hungriness, hurl, hyphen, icy, impolite, illegible, identification, identify, illegitimacy, image, imagine, imbalance, immigrant, inability, implore, importance, impossibility, impossible, imprisonment, impulse, include, included, inclusive, insurance, increase, increased
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(part 25) (31 words)
increasing, independence, independent, indicate, indifferent, industrial, infant, infection, inner, ingrained, inhabitant, inhale, injure, injury, injustice, instruct, instruction, instructions, issue, inquiring, instantly, interests, interfere, interior, international, interval, keratin, investigate, invisible, iron, irregular
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(part 26) (31 words)
irrigate, jacket, jealous, jest, jewel, jingle, journey, kin, justice, justified, justify, karat, keel, knowledge, lading, knit, knave, kneel, latitude, league, length, launch, layer, layman, leash, lecture, led, leer, legal, lettuce, liberal
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(part 27) (31 words)
lifestyle, limited, lukewarm, liquid, literary, loom, livelihood, locality, locally, losing, magazine, loiter, loyally, loyalty, lull, marsh, memorize, memory, luncheon, lure, luscious, luxurious, majesty, major, mammalian, management, marvelous, media, manual, manufacturing, mare
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(part 28) (31 words)
margin, masculine, massive, massively, massiveness, meant, materials, mature, memorization, measured, medium, mental, prop, proportion, proposed, revolve, rumble, ruffle, rigid, rout, rival, roommate, rooster, scary, rotten, spa, sparkling, special, spectator, uncontrolled, uncooked
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(part 29) (31 words)
unsatisfactory, undaunted, undersea, convert, submitted, detect, mode, mercy, mere, merely, merit, merits, messenger, moderate, method, midair, midday, midst, midstream, midway, midwinter, military, misunderstood, mine, mineral, minister, minor, mint, miracle, miraculous, Miranda
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(part 30) (31 words)
mirror, mischief, misery, mission, missionary, mistress, notoriety, motorized, monotonous, moody, moral, mortal, motionless, motorcycle, multiply, muscle, muscular, mystery, natural, naughty, nausea, numb, observation, observe, nearby, negative, neglect, neighbor, neighborly, neither, nervous
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(part 31) (31 words)
neurotic, obligation, nick, nickel, ninety, nonsense, noontime, northeast, notify, numerous, occupation, occupied, occupy, oceanic, ominous, omitted, opposed, opposition, odor, offend, organized, opera, operation, operations, optimistic, ordinary, organize, ornament, oversight, outlook, owing
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(part 32) (31 words)
particular, particulars, pancake, paperback, parachute, paragraph, pardon, passive, pastime, patent, patient, pattern, peasant, peck, persuasive, perfectly, peer, percent, percentage, performance, perilous, periodical, perish, perk, permission, persistent, personally, proceedings, photograph, phrase, pilgrim
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(part 33) (31 words)
pilgrimage, pledge, poison, pirate, political, pollution, polyester, politics, pollinate, postpone, plunder, pluralism, poetry, policy, precious, preservative, pore, portion, probable, probably, possibly, posture, postwar, pouch, poultry, pounce, pout, poverty, practical, practice, practicing
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(part 34) (31 words)
prance, premium, precise, presently, pressure, presume, prevail, previous, priest, prisoner, private, proceeds, process, procession, proclaim, procure, prompt, quality, quarrel, producer, profitable, progressive, promptly, pronounce, proposition, prospects, provision, publication, purpose, radii, punishment
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(part 35) (31 words)
purchase, putrid, pyramid, quash, radius, quench, questioner, quickness, rashness, quiz, quotation, quote, rarely, realist, reality, ransack, rapidly, regularly, rescue, research, rayon, realize, remainder, reappear, reappearance, rearrangement, reasonable, reasonably, rebel, receive, received
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(part 36) (31 words)
receiver, reception, recess, refine, reckon, recount, recreation, recycle, reference, regardless, region, register, registered, rejoice, relative, release, reliable, relief, relieve, relieved, religion, relinquish, remedy, remit, removal, revenue, reverence, renewal, renowned, repetitious, salve
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(part 37) (31 words)
republican, repulsive, requirement, resemble, reserve, reserved, residence, resign, resolution, resolve, respectable, respectfully, respects, response, reverse, revolt, revolution, roundness, rural, ruthless, sacred, safety, scarce, scarcely, scariness, scene, scenery, salary, saliva, salute, satisfaction
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(part 38) (31 words)
satisfactory, satisfied, scratch, scanty, scar, scented, scientific, secret, search, seasonal, security, semester, seesaw, select, selection, senate, senator, senior, separated, serene, sergeant, series, serious, seriously, sermon, servant, session, severe, shampoo, shatter, shun
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(part 39) (31 words)
sketch, shield, shone, society, shyness, siesta, signature, silence, silvery, simmer, sincere, sincerely, sincerity, sleepily, sleeve, sleigh, situated, situation, ski, skid, skillfully, skinned, skulk, slain, slum, slumber, snare, snarl, so-called, soar, social
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(part 40) (31 words)
sole, solitary, solution, speck, stir, spontaneous, statehood, soot, soothe, splendid, splendidly, splendor, sorrowful, sought, source, speech, spellbound, spin, stinking, summon, spinner, spirit, spirits, sponsor, sprinkle, sprint, sprout, spun, stagger, stale, standard
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(part 41) (31 words)
startle, straight, structure, struggle, stubborn, stomach, stoop, straighten, stray, streak, subscription, strength, stress, stretch, strict, strictly, suggest, studied, stupid, substance, suggestion, terrible, terribly, supervision, supreme, surprised, swallow, trifle, system, tangerine, textbook
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(part 42) (31 words)
tardy, telegraph, temperamental, temperature, territory, terror, thrifty, theme, there's, threaten, thrive, tickled, tolerate, toll, tomboy, toothache, troops, torrent, torture, transaction, tourist, tow, towering, trader, triplet, uncover, tramp, transit, transparent, untranslatable, transport
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(part 43) (31 words)
transportation, treasury, twirl, triumph, truce, trudge, turnpike, tussle, twiddle, uncertain, typhoid, typhoon, umbrella, unavailable, unaware, unbelievable, undertaking, underwater, unexpected, unfailing, unfair, unfamiliar, unforgivable, unpleasant, usable, vault, vegetable, wealthy, weapon, unity, university
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(part 44) (31 words)
unjust, unlikely, unmarried, unmistakably, unmoved, unnecessarily, unnoticeable, unrest, utilization, vary, unselfish, unsuccessful, untidy, unusual, unveil, valentine, valiant, urban, urge, usual, usually, utopia, utterly, vacancy, vacant, valuable, valuation, vanilla, vanity, vapor, various
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(part 45) (31 words)
washable, venomous, verbal, verdict, version, veteran, vice-president, victim, video, viewpoint, vigor, violence, violent, violet, visible, vital, volume, vow, voyage, waffle, wail, wander, warrior, whisper, whistle, waxy, weekend, welfare, wheelbarrow, whence, whether
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(part 46) (31 words)
whirl, wholesome, whose, width, wrap, wrath, yield, withdrawal, withdrew, worthy, wreath, wreck, yearn, you're, youngster, yourselves, zeal, establish, impose, style, attach, commence, restraint, encounter, Caribbean, European, France, Halloween, Illinois, Missouri, Montreal
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(part 47) (31 words)
Norway, Seattle, neglected, companies, borrowed, February, consigned, dyeing, embezzled, employed, instructed, obliged, permitted, pertaining, tonsils, secured, root out, acres, adjusted, advertised, announced, arranged, appearing, approved, arranging, arriving, assuring, attached, attained, attempted, attended
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(part 48) (31 words)
authorized, believing, buried, Cincinnati, collecting, confirming, continued, credited, dismissed, dropped, discontinued, decorated, deducted, described, desired, destroyed, drowned, dining, dipped, earlier, earliest, elapsed, figuring, entertained, entitled, favorite, French, German, governed, Indian, inclined
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(part 49) (31 words)
judging, Latin, listening, manufactured, men's, Michigan, neighboring, observed, operating, perceived, planned, planning, processing, proclaimed, realized, pursuing, recurring, reducing, represented, required, respective, ruined, services, superior, surrounded, supplying, suggested, thickening, transformed, trimmed, twenty-five
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(part 50) (31 words)
tomatoes, negroes, supplied, receiving, pickles, predominately, separate, estimate, affect, journal, ketchup, lily, attribute, legitimate, transfer, boulder, cargo, accident, ballet, bicycler, bicyclist, boar, bishop, blacksmith, buffet, carnival, cassette, cauliflower, ceiling, cemetery, chapel
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(part 51) (31 words)
bracelet, dictionary, dinghy, column, cirrus, coastline, cocoa, cornbread, curtains, carriage, chimney, chimpanzee, chinchilla, cigarette, cleaver, hare, drake, furniture, dungeon, eel, elevator, envelope, establishment, fabric, faucet, fingernail, foaminess, funeral, furnace, geese, granite
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(part 52) (31 words)
graduation, grandparent, grapefruit, guitar, laundry, lawyer, mansion, lightning, nylon, icicle, igloo, jellyfish, jewelry, kindergarten, laborer, salmon, tobacco, toilet, tongue, library, marriage, merry-go-round, silverware, moss, museum, nape, neighborhood, nephew, niece, nook, orchestra
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(part 53) (31 words)
papaya, parcel, symphony, valve, vane, penmanship, peppermint, triangle, typewriter, trophy, trout, pier, pigeon, pitcher, portrait, potato, prairie, pretzel, pulley, raspberry, rectangle, redwood, reindeer, rowboat, rodeo, scarecrow, sandwich, sardine, sausage, squirrel, shelves
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(part 54) (23 words)
sheriff, snowdrift, soccer, spine, swine, sword, tailor, tambourine, tortilla, vulture, violin, vocalist, volcano, walkway, wolves, woodland, wrapper, yolk, barrels, fields, one-half, purchasing, studying