English Final Vocab Wordly Wise Lists 1-6 (Book 9)
List #: 3839
Keywords/tags: book words, literature, reading, vocabulary, words with definitions, book
Comments: English Final Vocab Wordly Wise Lists 1-6 (Book 9).
Subject: English, Vovabulary.
Created: 05/11/2010
Modified: 05/11/2010
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(21 words)
aberration, amenities, benighted, cerebration, dative, defalcate, diapason, engender, fell, hybrid, inveigh, mandible, orifice, rational, sidereal, torrid, venal, altercation, atoll, cartel, cognomen
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(part 1) (30 words)
eclogue, expeditious, germane, indigenous, maelstrom, nodule, parity, repertoire, theism, unguent, abase, allergy, anathema, brindled, cite, debacle, deleterious, diva, estranged, gaff, idyllic, lambent, moiety, reactionary, tenure, tutelage, apprise, boss, checkered, deviltry
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(part 1) (30 words)
codicil, dissension, egress, emolument, equity, fetish, incursion, itinerant, libation, nuptial, patrimony, precedent, sobriquet, yaw, apocryphal, bludgeon, cacophony, deposition, divine, LAN, enjoin, eulogy, extrude, gigolo, inhibit, jocose, machete, palpable, peccadillo, progeny
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(part 2) (14 words)
egregious, emetic, entente, execrable, fauna, immanent, insensate, lachrymose, neophyte, paradigm, penumbra, quondam, tenet, acumen