Call It Courage
List #: 3884
Keywords/tags: Call It Courage, book words, literature, reading, vocabulary, words with definitions, Armstrong Sperry, Sperry book
Comments: Words found in the book "Call It Courage".
Publisher: Simon Pulse (January 29, 2008).
Author: Armstrong Sperry.
Subject: English, Literature.
Isbn: 978-1416953685.
Created: 05/17/2010
Modified: 05/17/2010
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(part 1) (30 words)
adze, agony, alert, apprehension, assault, atoll, barrier, bracing, buoyancy, cauterize, cease, chant, churning, circumference, convulsively, crest, current, desolation, dread, ebbing, emerge, falter, formidable, frail, fury, gust, haunches, hull, idol, impale
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(part 2) (20 words)
implacable, iridescence, lagoon, lash, livid, majestic, monotony, ominous, parched, plateau, prevailing, profoundly, pursuer, quenched, reef, stout, taut, torrent, vast, waning