University Word List -- UWL
List #: 7796
Keywords/tags: UWL, university word list, academic word list, academic vocabulary
Comments: The university word list focuses on around 800 "academic" terms. Although this list is quite popular, it is only a starting point to build a sufficient academic vocabulary. These words are still quite basic and just the start of building an academic vocabulary..
Created: 08/19/2011
Modified: 08/19/2011
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(part 1) (30 words)
word, abandon, abnormal, absorb, abstract, abstract, accompany, accomplish, academic, accelerate, access, accumulate, accurate, achieve, acid, affect, affect, acquire, adapt, adequate, adhere, adjacent, adjective, adjust, administer, adolescent, adult, affiliate, affiliate, affluence
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(part 2) (30 words)
advocate, advocate, aesthetic, Aesthetic, alternative, analyze, aggregate, aggregate, aid, align, allege, alter, ambiguity, aggression, agitate, alcohol, allocate, allude, ally, ally, amorphous, analogy, angular, annual, ascribe, anomaly, anonymous, anthropology, appendix, appraise
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(part 3) (30 words)
appreciate, approach, appropriate, appropriate, arbitrary, apparatus, appeal, append, breed, bubble, bureaucracy, calendar, cancel, controversy, converse, converse, cooperate, coordinate, coordinate, corporate, correlate, correspond, create, credible, creditor, crisis, eloquent, emancipate, embody, area
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(part 4) (30 words)
aristocrat, arithmetic, arouse, aspiration, assemble, assent, assert, attitude, aware, awe, assess, asset, assign, assimilate, assist, assume, assure, astronomy, atmosphere, atom, attain, auspices, authorize, automatic, avail, averse, axis, benefit, biology, bore
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(part 5) (30 words)
bulk, bomb, capable, capture, carbon, career, catalog, catalogue, category, cater, cease, challenge, civic, cell, channel, chapter, chemical, circuit, circulate, circumstance, cogent, clarify, classic, client, clinic, code, coefficient, coincide, collapse, collide
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(part 6) (30 words)
colloquial, constant, constitute, convene, converge, condense, commit, commodity, commune, commune, communicate, compel, compensate, competence, complement, complex, complex, complicate, comply, component, compound, compound, comprehend, comprise, compulsion, compute, conceive, concentrate, concentric, concept
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(part 7) (30 words)
conclude, conduct, conduct, confer, configuration, confine, conflict, conflict, conform, confront, congress, congress, conjunction, consent, consequent, conserve, conserve, consist, console, console, construct, construct, construe, consult, consume, contact, contact, contaminate, contemplate, contend
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(part 8) (30 words)
context, continent, contingent, contract, contract, contradict, contrary, contrary, contrast, contrast, contribute, criterion, critic, crucial, culture, cumbersome, currency, cycle, cylinder, deliberate, deliberate, data, debate, decade, defer, democracy, demonstrate, decimal, decline, dedicate
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(part 9) (30 words)
defect, defect, deficient, define, definite, deflect, degenerate, degenerate, degrade, denominator, denote, dense, deny, depress, deprive, derive, discern, design, detriment, deviate, deviate, devise, devote, diagram, diameter, dictate, diffuse, diffuse, digest, digest
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(part 10) (30 words)
dimension, discourse, discrete, dispose, dispute, doctrine, distribute, drama, dispense, disperse, displace, dissipate, dissolve, distinct, distort, diverge, diverse, divine, domestic, dominate, drain, drastic, drug, duration, dynamic, economy, edit, efficient, elaborate, elaborate
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(part 11) (30 words)
electron, element, elevate, elicit, eliminate, enlighten, enrich, embrace, emerge, emotion, emphasize, empirical, enable, evaluate, evaporate, energy, hostile, hierarchy, homogeneous, impress, impress, horror, huge, hypothesis, incident, initial, identical, legitimate, legitimate, leisure
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(part 12) (30 words)
lens, enhance, equate, ethics, ensure, insure, entity, enumerate, episode, equidistant, equilibrium, equipment, equivalent, err, estimate, estimate, federal, eventual, evident, evoke, evolve, expel, exclude, execute, exert, exhaust, expand, expert, explicit, exploit
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(part 13) (30 words)
exploit, exponent, export, expose, expose, external, extract, extract, facilitate, faction, factor, fallacy, fare, fate, feasible, feature, fertile, fluid, final, finance, fluent, fraction, finite, fluctuate, focus, forgo, formulate, fossil, fragment, fraternal
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(part 14) (30 words)
fraud, friction, frontier, frustrate, fuel, fulfill, function, fund, fundamental, fuse, generate, genuine, geography, geometry, germ, goal, graph, gravity, guarantee, harbor, hero, hemisphere, heredity, identify, ignore, illuminate, illustrate, image, impact, imperial
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(part 15) (30 words)
implement, implicit, imply, import, import, impulse, incentive, incessant, incline, incline, income, incompatible, inconsistent, incorporate, incorporate, index, indicate, indigenous, individual, infer, inferior, inflation, ingenious, inherent, inhibit, injure, innate, innovation, insist, inspect
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(part 16) (30 words)
instance, instinct, instinct, institute, instruct, integer, integrate, intellect, intelligent, intense, interact, interlock, interlude, intermediate, intermediate, internal, interpret, interrelate, intersect, interval, intervene, interview, intimacy, intrinsic, intuitive, invade, inverse, invest, investigate, invoke
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(part 17) (30 words)
involve, irrigate, isolate, isolate, issue, job, job, judicial, justify, kindred, label, labor, launch, layer, lecture, legal, legislate, liable, liberate, linguistic, litigate, route, rudimentary, rural, saint, uniform, transport, transport, treaty, trend
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(part 18) (30 words)
trivial, tropical, ultimate, undergo, underlie, premise, premise, process, process, project, project, protest, protest, rebel, rebel, reform, reform, reject, reject, release, release, repress, repress, stipulate, stipulate, locate, locomotion, logic, magnitude, luxury
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(part 19) (30 words)
magic, magnetic, maintain, major, manifest, manipulate, margin, margin, material, maternal, matrix, mature, metaphor, maximum, medium, mental, metabolism, moist, method, microscope, migrate, military, minimum, minor, mobile, mobile, modify, molecule, novel, momentum
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(part 20) (30 words)
monarch, morphology, motive, muscle, myth, network, navy, negative, nerve, neutral, niche, norm, notate, notion, nuclear, null, nutrient, objective, oblige, obsolete, obtain, obvious, occupy, occur, odd, odor, option, orbit, orientate, oscillate
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(part 21) (30 words)
overlap, participate, partisan, oxygen, parenthesis, parliament, passive, peasant, perspective, pertinent, pervade, pendulum, period, perpendicular, perpetrate, perpetual, persist, phase, phenomena, philosophy, physical, plead, pole, pollution, proceed, plot, policy, port, portion, precede
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(part 22) (30 words)
positive, postulate, postulate, potential, pragmatic, precipitate, precipitate, precise, predict, preliminary, preposition, prestige, presume, prevail, previous, prime, principle, priority, proclaim, procure, propagate, propensity, proportion, proprietor, prosper, province, provoke, prudence, psychology, purport
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(part 23) (30 words)
pursue, radical, radius, quote, random, range, ratio, rational, research, react, recur, refute, region, reign, relevance, reluctance, rely, remove, render, reproduce, restrict, repudiate, reservoir, resident, residue, resource, respond, restore, restore, retard
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(part 24) (30 words)
retard, reverberate, reverse, revise, revive, revolt, revolve, rhythm, rigid, rigor, role, rotate, sanction, satellite, saturate, schedule, scheme, score, secrete, secrete, sequence, section, secure, seek, segment, segment, select, series, sex, shift
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(part 25) (30 words)
shrink, signify, similar, simultaneous, site, skeleton, sketch, solar, sociology, sophisticated, source, spatial, species, specify, spectrum, speculate, sphere, stationary, spontaneous, stable, starve, statistic, status, structure, subtle, stereotype, stimulate, strata, stress, subdivide
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(part 26) (30 words)
subjective, subordinate, subsequent, subside, subsidize, suffice, sum, summary, terminology, superficial, superimpose, supplement, suppress, supreme, surplus, survey, survey, sustain, switch, symbol, symptom, synthetic, tangent, tangible, task, team, technique, technology, telescope, temporary
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(part 27) (30 words)
tense, tentative, territory, terror, text, texture, theft, theorem, theory, thermal, tiny, tire, tissue, tolerate, tone, topic, trace, tradition, traffic, trait, transact, transfer, transfer, transform, transition, transmit, transparent, undertake, unduly, upsurge
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(part 28) (30 words)
urban, usage, utilize, utter, vague, valid, vary, vast, vein, velocity, verbal, verify, version, vertical, vibrate, violate, virtual, visual, vital, vocabulary, volt, volume, voluntary, withdraw, x-ray, establish, require, aspect, item, comment
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(part 29) (30 words)
outcome, approximate, approximate, attribute, attribute, grant, impose, retain, style, attach, reveal, tape, convert, convert, prohibit, detect, induce, reinforce, found, suspend, respective, scalar, superior, battery, column, crystal, environment, mathematics, journal, laboratory