Trimester 1 Vocab List
List #: 12710
Keywords/tags: 10th, High school, World History, Regent's Exams
Comments: New York State Global History and Geography Grade 10 key terms for the Age of Revolutions
Created: 11/18/2012
Modified: 11/19/2012
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Vocabulary List 1 (24 words)
bourgeoisie, coup d'etat, nationalism, capitalism, philosophe, social contract, empire, nation-state, conquistador, mercantilism, colony, bureaucracy, indulgence, Protestant, simony, absolutism, heresy, alliance, aristocracy, astrolabe, balance of trade, citizen, czar, divine right
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Vocabulary List 2 (11 words)
enlightenment, geography, globalization, hierarchy, humanism, inflation, militarism, republic, Protestant Reformation, secularism, westernization